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Regional Programme Political Dialogue with Asia

Activities 2011

This brochure informs about our activities during the year 2011.

Nach-Wahlen in Myanmar

Ein Testfall für echte politische Öffnung?

Am 1. April 2012 finden in Myanmar Nachwahlen zu den Parlamentswahlen vom 7. November 2010 statt.

Youth - Future Agents of Change or Guardians of Establishment?

Panorama - Insights into Asian and European Affairs

This issue of “Panorama–Insights into Asian and European Affairs” is concerned with the engagement of young people in political processes and society. In Europe, but also in Asia, young people get more actively involved in politics, demand for changes and try to shape the society. The Arab spring, which was strongly driven by young people, is a good example of how the youth can be an agent of change. The articles demonstrate the role the youth plays in Asian and European countries, arguing that young people are key players and that their demands have to be taken seriously by the establishment.

Flyer "EU-Asia Dialogue"

This flyer provides information on the new project "EU-Asia Dialogue" which is supported by the European Union.

Der SAARC-Gipfel 2011

"Building Bridges" - Fortschritt oder Stagnation?

Am 10. und 11. November 2011 fand der 17. Gipfel der South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) auf den Malediven statt. Obgleich die Erwartungen an den Gipfel im Vorfeld groß waren, wurden diese größtenteils enttäuscht, da die Vereinbarungen der sogenannten "Addu-Deklaration" kaum über die der vorherigen Gipfel hinausreichen. Als Erfolge können die erneute Annäherung von Indien und Pakistan sowie die auf dem Gipfel beschlossenen institutionellen Stärkungen von SAARC verbucht werden. Ob diese Schritte auch Früchte tragen, bleibt gleichwohl abzuwarten.

Policy Recommendations for Energy and Environmental Security

A Cooperative Approach in South Asia

The policy recommendations "Energy and Environmental Security in South Asia: A Cooperative Approach" are the result of a consultation process within the Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks (COSATT) about the essential aspects of the publication "Energy and Environmental Security: A Cooperative Approach in South Asia", which was released 12 October 2011 in the Maldives. They were released just before the 17th SAARC Summit at the Maldives in Sri Lanka, Nepal and India.

G20 - Perceptions and Perspectives for Global Governance

During the G20-summit 2010 in Seoul, the political leaders expanded the agenda of their discussions and triggered questions concerning the competences and capacities of the G20 regarding their contribution to "Global Governance".

Energy and Environmental Security

A Cooperative Approach In South Asia

The book "Energy and Environmental Security: A Cooperative Approach In South Asia", edited by COSATT and the Regional Programme SAARC of KAS provides six country- and three regional-specific chapters about the most pressing challenges and opportunities for environment, climate and energy in South Asia.

Das Ende der Eiszeit?

Zum Gipfeltreffen Indiens und Bangladeshs

Mit den Beziehungen zwischen Indien und seinen Nachbarstaaten ist es – trotz vieler Gemeinsamkeiten – nicht immer zum Besten bestellt. Neben dem schon lange schwelenden und zuzeiten immer wieder aufflammenden Konflikt mit Pakistan sind es gerade auch die Beziehungen zum östlich gelegenen Nachbarland Bangladesh, die von der Ambivalenz indischer Außenpolitik gegenüber seinen Anrainern zeugen.

Nepal´s National Interests I-IV

Foreign Policy, Internal Security, Federalism, Energy-Economy

CSAS and KAS have launched the Nepal´s National Interests Project (NIP) in order to discuss the most fundamental areas of challenges for the young democracy of Nepal. In this book the findings of the first four NIP-events have been summarized to reflect the discussions on the topics of Foreign Policy, Internal Security, Federalism and the Energy-Economy-sector.