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Event Reports


Welcome and opening speech by Dr. Roos on the occasion of the international experts’ conference „Lustration"

"Lustration and Consolidation of Democracy and Rule of Law in Central and Eastern Europe"

Reconciliation with the past or dealing with the communist/socialist past respectively and public remembrance culture is a traditional area of work and a central issue for the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung which promotes democracy and rule of law worldwide. The Rule of Law Program South East Europe supports measures on “Coping with the past” in its seven program countries Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia.

Opening speech Dr. Stefanie Ricarda Roos: Criminal Procedural Rights in South East Europe

Opening Speech in the context of the regional expert conference in Bucharest, May 13 - 15, 2007

Dialog zur Festigung einer unabhängigen Justiz

Interview mit Dr. Stefanie Ricarda Roos in Revista 22 – englische Übersetzung

Im Laufe des Jahres 2006 hat die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung durch ihr Rechtsstaatsprogramm Südeuropa und in Zusammenarbeit mit der rumänischen NRO Society for Justice (SoJust) Seminar für Richter in sieben rumänischen Städten durchgeführt (Tg. Mures, Cluj-Napoca, Oradea, Suceava, Focsani, Timişoara and Slatina).

Dialogue for the consolidation of an independent judiciary

Interview with Dr. Stefanie Ricarda Roos in Revista 22 - Original version in Romanian

During 2006, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, through its Rule of Law Program South East Europe and in association with the Romanian NGO, Society for Justice (SoJust), conducted seminars for judges in seven Romanian cities (Tg. Mures, Cluj-Napoca, Oradea, Suceava, Focsani, Timişoara and Slatina).

Welcome speech of the German Ambassador in Romania on the occasion of the 2nd German-Romanian Criminal Law Conference

Ambassador Lohkamp emphasises reconciliation with the past

“Coming to terms with a system of injustice by criminal law is an important means of coping with the past. Criminal law is, however, only one of many means” […]. The task is a lot more complex than this. There is not one single key, for this a society need an entire set of measures.”In his welcome speech on the occasion of the 2nd German-Romanian Criminal Law Conference in Bucharest von 10 March 2007, German Ambassador Roland Lohkamp thus described the challenges Romania is presently facing with respect to a successful dealing and reconciling with the past. One panel on the conference, which had been organised by the RLP SEE and the German-Romanian Lawyers’ Association, was dedicated to criminal law reactions on systematic injustice in Romania as well as in Germany after the Reunification.

Druckfaktoren und Interessenkonflikte im rumänischen Gerichtswesen

Begrüßungs- und Eröffnungsrede anlässlich der Abschlusskonferenz eines Jahresprojektes mit SoJust

Am 23.02.2007 fand in Bukarest die Abschlussveranstaltung eines Jahresprojektes des Rechtsstaatsprogramms für Südosteuropa der KAS mit der rumänischen NGO "Society for Justice - SoJust" zum Thema "Druckfaktoren und Interessenkonflikte im rumänischen Gerichtswesen" statt, auf der ein Handbuch für rumänische Richter zu diesem Thema vorgestellt wurde. Die Veranstaltung wurde von der Leiterin des Rechtsstaatsprogramms, Frau Stefanie Ricarda Roos, eröffnet.

The Impact of Accession to the European Union on the Application of the European Convention on Human Rights

Lecture by Dr. iur. Johan Callewaert, Deputy Grand Chamber Registrar, European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg)

Among the challenges for new member countries of the European Union (EU) in the law and justice sector is to familiarize the countries' legal practitioners with the relationship and interdependence of the various human rights protection systems in place, i.e. the national protection system, the protection system under the European Convention of Human Rights, and the human rights protection system of the European Union. The following contribution analyzes and explains the main consequences of a country's accession to the EU on its application of the European Convention on Human Rights. The four key areas considered in the article are: the legal sources, the scope of EU law, the standards of protection and the available legal remedies and procedures.The contribution is based on a lecture presented by Dr. iur. Johan Callewaert during a conference on "EU law and Judicial Practice" which the Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Rule of Law Programme together with the Academy of European Law had organized in Bucharest, Romania, on April 7-8, 2006. It takes into consideration legal and jurisprudential changes throughout 2006.

The Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Bulgaria - Achievements and Challenges

Presentation by Ms. Anita Mihailova, Member of the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Bulgaria

The existence of an independence judiciary is a pillar of a democratic state based on the rule of the law. It is also a fundamental human right which is - inter alia - recognized in Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. One mean to ensure that the independence of the judiciary is observed are institutional safeguards such as institutions the mandate of which is to guarantee the judicial independence. One such institution is the Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Bulgaria. Its continued reform is among the benchmarks which the European Commission has set for Bulgaria in its last Monitoring report of 2006. The following presentation which was delivered by Ms. Anita Mihailova in the context of a Bulgarian-Romanian expert conference on December 15, 2006 in Sofia organized by the Rule of Law Programme for South East Europe, describes the development and role of the Supreme Judicial Council of Bulgaria as well as some important achievements and challenges ahead for this important institution.

The Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Bulgaria - Achievements and Challenges Ahead

Presentation delivered by Anita Mihailova, Supreme Judicial Council Bulgaria

Judicial human rights protection in Montenegro

Report about a two-day expert talk in Bečići (Montenegro)

The Republic of Montenegro won its independence with a referendum from 21 May 2008. For the young and sovereign state, its institutions, and citizens, this means that they can no longer withdraw from their responsibility of the conclusion of the transformation process and the establishment of a democratic constitutional state based on rule of law principles by merely pointing at the federation with Serbia. The current challenges of reforming the justice sector and of creating a new constitution are great. As is the will of those involved in continuing the initiated democratisation process and in finding solutions which are best for their country. This became evident by the contributions to the conference and discussion by high-ranking legal experts from the Republic of Montenegro during a two-day round-table discussion in Bečići (Montenegro) on "The Implementation of Human Rights Before Judicial Institutions in Montenegro".

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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