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Asset Publisher

Salihs langer Abgang

Jemen bekommt einen neuen Präsidenten

Am 21. Februar wird im Jemen ein neuer Präsident gewählt – zur Wahl steht als einziger Kandidat der bisherige Vize Abdu Rabbo Mansour Hadi. Doch selbst wenn die Salih-Ära nun zu Ende geht, zeichnet das politische Erbe des Ex-Präsidenten die weiteren Entwicklungen im Jemen vor.

A Window of Opportunity for Islamic Finance

KAS hosts Economic Policy Talk with Simon Gray, DFSA

With conventional financial systems struggling to master the global financial crisis, alternative economic models such as Islamic Finance have become more interesting. “The obvious failures in the conventional financial system have created a willingness to listen to alternatives. Islamic Finance is given the opportunity to proof itself and to play a key part in world economy,” stated Simon Gray, Director of Supervision at the Dubai Financial Services Authority last night in his presentation “Responsibility in Islamic Finance“ hosted by the KAS Regional Programme Gulf States in Abu Dhabi.


Grundsätze und Perspektiven für die weitere Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit

Um Grundsätze und Perspektiven für die weitere Entwicklung und Zusammenarbeit im Bereich Europa-Golf-Afrika zu diskutieren, lud das Regionalprogramm Golf-Staaten der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zusammen mit der Wirtschafshochschule INSEAD am 2. Juni zu der Fachkonferenz „From Private Action to Public Good- How Can the Gulf Region Contribute to Sustainable Socio-Economic Development in Africa?” ein.

New Conference Publication: Im Plenum Kompakt: "Europe-Gulf-Africa. New Approaches to Sustainable Cooperation"

To discuss the principles and perspectives of future development and cooperation between Europe, the Gulf Region and Africa the KAS Regional Programem Gulf States and the international business school INSEAD Abu Dhabi Campus had jointly organized the conference: "From Private Action to Public Good- How Can the Gulf Region Contribute to Sustainable Socio-Economic Development in Africa?" which took place on June 2, 2011.

Claiming social responsibility: KAS-partner Tawasul bestows awards for civil society engagement

120,000 online voters have selected their favorite candidates

It was the third annual ceremony of the Civil Society Leaders Awards that brought together renowned figures of the public, the private and the civil society sectors. The event took place on November 14 at the Diplomatic Club in Muscat. The awards honor extraordinary individuals, organizations and projects in the region. They are granted for strong commitment to civil society and outstanding contribution to sustainable social and economic development. For the first time, organizations from all states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) were invited to participate.

Women’s rights are universal

4th DubaiDebate on “Women, Civil Society and Leadership in a New Arab World”

„We as women now have the opportunity to do away with antiquated structures in Arab countries and to redefine our role in society.” This crisp statement by Syrian Blogger Sumaya Tayara kicked off the 4th edition of the DubaiDebates on Sunday, Dec. 18th, 2011. Sumaya Tayara was joined on the panel by Tunisian activist Amira Yahyaoui, renowned Emirati Professor of Political Science Dr. Ebtisam Al Kitbi, as well as the „Arab Feminist” Mohamed Abu Obaid. The four engaged in a passionate debate about the current and future role of women in the ongoing transformation process in the Arab world.

"Europe up close"


Her visit to the United Arab Emirates signalled the great potential Professor Dr. Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl sees in the cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the Gulf-States. The project of European Integration could serve as an example for the integration efforts undertaken by the Gulf-Cooperation Council (GCC).

Across borders: A Plea for „Global Governance“


International crisis don’t stop at national borders. Consequently the ongoing European financial crisis calls for „Global Governance“, according to Professor Dr. Godelieve Quisthoudt-Rowohl, Member of the European Parliament . She elaborated on this thesis during her lecture „From Global Crisis to Global Governance” and stated: “If we truly live in a global village then we also have to make decision at a global level.”

Women’s Empowerment in Kuwait

More women in leadership positions

Women should play a greater role in public life in Kuwait. On this point, the fifty, mainly female participants agreed during a discussion forum. This holds particularly true for the acceptance of women in leadership positions. In partnership with Business & Professional Women Kuwait (BPW), KAS Regional Program Gulf-States organized this awareness rising event based on the “Women’s Empowerment Principles” of the United Nations Development Fund of Women (UNIFEM).

“Good Governance is key to sustainable transformation in the MENA region”

“Failure [economical as well as political] always goes back to poor governance.’ stated Dr. Nasser Al Saidi, Chief Economist of the Dubai International Financial Center (DIFC) and Executive Director of the Hawkamah Institute for Corporate Governance at a lecture in Abu Dhabi.