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Country Reports

Lithuania Has Voted for Change

by Elisabeth Bauer, Dalia Friedt, Augustina Zamuškevičiūtė

The outcome of this year’s run-off election confirmed the election result of the first round of voting

The outcome of this year’s run-off election confirmed the election result of the first round of voting. While in the last election the seemingly clear-cut victory was lost during the 2nd round of voting, it was mostly representatives from the centre-right parties who prevailed in this election, even in the run-off. As a result, Lithuania will have a new government headed by Ingrida Šimonytė. The run-off election took place in 68 constituencies and only three candidates won their constituency during the first round of voting, including Šimonytė. In the run-off election, the party of the prospective future Prime Minister was successful in 26 constituencies. With a total of 74 representatives from parties of a potentially centre-right coalition versus 67 of the then opposition parties, there are great prospects for a successful term of office.

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On 11 and 25 October, the first and second parliamentary elections took place in Lithuania. Six of the 17 parties who ran for election have been voted into the Seimas following the first vote. The former opposition party, Fatherland Union Lithuanian Christian Democrats (TS-LKD) took the lead with 24.86 per cent following the first round of voting. The governing party Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union (LVŽS) was the second strongest with 17.43 per cent. The Worker’s Party (DP), the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP) and two liberal parties - the newly founded Freedom Party (LP) and the Liberal Movement (LRLS) were also voted into parliament again. The current coalition partners, however, Lithuanian Social Democratic Labour Party (LSDDP) and the Election Action of the Poles of Lithuania - Alliance of Christian Families (LLRA-KŠS), failed at the five per cent hurdle.


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Elisabeth Bauer

Country Reports
October 8, 2020
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