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Country Reports

Unrest in Cuba: Causes, Developments, Perspectives

by Hans-Hartwig Blomeier, Ilse Reyes, Laura Philipps
The latest massive protests in Cuba show a population that, in light of the precarious situation endured for decades and which has only worsened in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic, is now boldly taking to the streets and manifesting their discontent and despair. Recent access to the internet and other technologies have been a catalyst for change in the Cuban society and are now playing a key role in mobilizing large segments of the population in these unprecedented demonstrations.

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Read the full country report in the pdf.

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Hans-Hartwig Blomeier

Hans Blomeier

Head of the KAS office Mexico +52 55 55664599

Michaela Braun

Michaela Braun bild

Desk Officer for Central America and Mexico +49 - (0) 30 - 269 96 - 39 88 +49 - (0) 30 - 269 96 - 534 44


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Media library

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