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KAS x SAIIA Careers Event 2024

Formative Futures

Youth unemployment in South Africa remains a critical issue, with recent statistics indicating a staggering 45,5% unemployment rate among youth (15- 35 years old). The situation is particularly acute for those holding humanities degrees, who may face the misconception that their educational background lacks practical value in the job market. However, in a world marked by rapid digitalisation, climate change, and shifting geopolitical landscapes, the skills cultivated through humanities education are more essential than ever.

Live stream

FW de Klerk Foundation’s Coalition Government Conference


In the lead-up to the 2024 elections, the FW De Klerk’s Constitutional Programmes team launched their election series, which aimed to provide insight into the intricate fabric of South Africa’s democracy.

Expert conference

Reflections on the 2024 general election: The youth’s perspectives.

Spotlighting the youth's perspectives.

KAS-CANRAD invites you to a seminar to discuss the general election outcomes.



How can constitutional rights of those excluded from voting be protected?

A Conference organised by the South African Institute for Advanced Constitutional, Public, Human Rights and International law (a Centre of the University of Johannesburg) funded by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


30 years of democracy in South Africa (German only)

Coalitions as an opportunity for a new culture of governance?

Live stream

DDP Multi-Party Forum (Livestream)

Unpacking political party manifestos for the 2024 General Elections: On Health Care, Safety & Security

Live stream

FW de Klerk Foundation Annual Conference (Livestream)

South Africa at 30 - Looking Back, Looking Around, Looking Forward


Has the African National Congress lost touch with South Africans? The party over people

A Daily Maverick Live Journalism Webinar

Book presentation

South Africa's Easy Election Guide: Who To Vote For in 2024? 

Johannesburg Launch

Book presentation

South Africa's Easy Election Guide: Who To Vote For in 2024? 

Cape Town Launch

Asset Publisher

Discourse Café mit Prof. Christi van der Westhuizen

Prof. Christi van der Westhuizen, Professorin für Soziologie an der Universität Pretoria stellte ihr neuestes Buch "White Nation & the Rise and Fall of the National Party" vor

Annual SAIIA-KAS Careers Evening (Gauteng)

Unlimited Paths with your Humanity Degree

The annual SAIIA-KAS Careers Evening informed learners and students what career opportunities a degree in the Humanities can open up. Students had the opportunity to meet potential employers and receive information about internships and scholarships followed by a high-ranked panel of speakers that have pursued their careers within the Humanities.

Politische Parteien in Südafrika

Stärkung oder Schwächung der Demokratie?

Am 21. August veranstaltete die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Africa Institute of South Africa in the Human Sciences Research Council und der University of Pretoria anlässlich der Veröffentlichung des Buches "Politische Parteien in Südafrika: Stärkung oder Schwächung der Demokratie?" eine Buchpräsentation an der Universität Johannesburg – neben den Veranstaltungen in Durban und Kapstadt, markierte Johannesburg die letzte Station, in der die neue Publikation unter Anwesenheit der Herausgeberin und partizipierenden Autoren einem interessierten Publikum vorgestellt wurde.

Political Parties in South Africa

Do they undermine or underpin Democracy?

Offering a new contribution to the assessment of the health of South Africa´s political system, the book launch held in Durban on July 25 gathered authors as well as an interested audience to introduce and discuss the new publication.

Sensitization training workshop for traditional leaders on land ownership rights for women

Eine Welt ohne Hunger: Aktivitäten in Zomba (Malawi)

The workshop trained traditional leaders on the legal and statutory instruments for women’s land ownership rights in Malawi.

First community awareness outreach on land ownership and land-use rights for women in Zimbabwe

One World-No Hunger: first community awareness outreach in Zimbabwe-Midlands

This was the first community awareness-raising event in Zimbabwe.

Youth Employment Enterprise & Skills-Summit

Youth Employment Enterprise & Skills-Summit

The conference targeted the high youth unemployment rate South Africa and aimed at not only the identification of its major causes but also at the development of doable solutions to deal with the problem on the local level in Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape). The conference brought together unemployed youths, prospective employers and civil society organizations which assist the youths to find employment to exchange information on ways to deal with youth unemployment.

The FW de Klerk Foundation Annual Conference

The Constitution and Governance - At Another Crossroad

The annual conference series aims to highlight and discuss topical issues that are pertinent to South Africa's young constitutional democracy. High profile speakers share their insights regarding the country's political and economic future.

Das COP22-Abkommen: Auswirkungen und Möglichkeiten für Afrika

Klimawandel als Entwicklungs- und nicht Umweltthematik

Die alljährliche Klimakonferenz des UN-FCCC begann am Freitag, 18. November 2016. Die teilnehmenden Regierungen versuchten dort gemeinsam mit Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft eine praktikable Umsetzung des Pariser Abkommens zu erarbeiten. Überschattet wurden die Gespräche von der Wahl Donald Trumps zum Präsidenten der USA. Das Land ist eines derjenigen, welches am meisten CO2 ausstößt, ob sich die Weltgemeinschaft im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel unter einem Präsidenten Trump jedoch weiterhin auf die USA als Partner verlassen kann, bleibt ungewiss.

Breakfast Discussion 2016: Reconciliation and Restitution in South Africa

“Reconciliation and Restitution in South Africa” was the theme of a breakfast discussion, which took place on 5th October 2016 at the Townhouse Hotel in Cape Town. The event formed part of a breakfast discussion series, jointly hosted by the Centre for Constitutional Rights (CFCR) and the School of Public Leadership (SPL) at the University of Stellenbosch with the financial support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS).