There are currently no events planned.
Katiba moja kwa Watanzania wote – pamoja tutafika! Building a National Consensus for the New Constitution
On the 7th of February TADIP in collaboration with KAS will host the 12th Maendeleo-Dialogue in Dar es Salaam.
Maendeleo-Dialog zur Verfassungsreform
Katiba moja kwa Watanzania wote – pamoja tutafika!
Am 6. Februar 2014 veranstaltet TADIP in Zusammenarbeit mit der KAS den 12ten Maendeleo-Dialog zum aktuell laufenden Verfassungsreformprozess.
Expert talk
KAS Tanzania together with FES and the Tanzanian Constitutional Forum Jukwaa la Katiba invites selected experts of the civil society organizations to a roundtable discussion on the second draft of the new Tanzanian constitution.
Expert talk
Zweiter Entwurf der tansanischen Verfassung
Anlässlich der Vorlage des zweiten Verfassungsentwurfs durch die Verfassungsrevisionskommission lädt die KAS Tansania zusammen mit der FES und Jukwaa la Katiba Vertreter zivilgesellschaftlicher Organisationen zu einem Expertengespräch ein.
Workshop with JUWAQUTA
Meeting of Quran School Teachers
On 7. December KAS and JUWAQUTA, Tanzania's Association of Quran School Teachers invite members of JUWAQUTA in Same District for a workshop.
Expert conference
The Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation and the Potential of Sustainable Energies in the East African Community
The Perspective of East African Civil Society Organizations after the COP 19
The EAC & KAS jointly invite representatives of the East African Civil Society to a one-day conference on the 5th of Dec. 2013 on “The Challenges of Climate Change Adaptation and the Potential of Sustainable Energies in the East African Community".
Faith is the Fountain of Peace , Love and Understanding
Inter-Religious Dialogue
On 14. November 2013 the Inter-Religious Council for Peace Tanzania [IRCPT] and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung [KAS] are inviting assorted religious leaders from Tanzania for an interfaith dialogue to Dar es Salaam.
Book presentation
Verfassungsreformprozesse und Integration in Ostafrika
Am 24.Oktober 2013 lädt das Tanzanian-German Centre for Eastern African Legal Studies (TGCL), unterstützt von der deutschen Botschaft in Dar es Salaam, zu einer Buchvorstellung ein.
Key Process and Content Issues of the Draft Constitution of Tanzania
Expert Discussion
On 10th September 2013 the Tanzanian Constitutional Forum Jukwaa la Katiba in cooperation with Konrad-Adenauer- and Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation in Tanzania invites for an expert discussion on the draft of the new constitution for Tanzania.