Event reports
Dr. Willbrod Slaa, Secretary General of Chadema, welcomes the members…
...of Chadema Central Committee, who had followed an invitation of KAS…
…to attend a kick-off workshop on the discussion of the importance of integrating a climate and environment strategy in the party’s policy statements.
Stefan Reith, Country Representative of KAS Tanzania, addresses the meeting and explains the significance of the topic for the work as an opposition party.
Afterwards Anthony Komu, Executive director of Chadema Headquarters in Dar es Salaam, gives a short introduction to the topic.
Dr. Slaa during an interview with Capital TV…
…and in discussion with Stefan Reith.
An expert of the University of Dar es Salaam explains the consequences of climate change for Tanzania.
An open discussion in the plenum follows (here Susan Lyimo, Member of the national parliament).
At the end of the event all participants (here Mabero Marando) agree: Being the biggest opposition party in Tanzania, Chadema has to extend and widen its policies concerning climate and environment and acknowledge higher significance of this so important topic.