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125 Years of Thai Local Administration

Book series in cooperation with the Creative Urban Solution Center and Social Research Institute, Chiang Mai University

Decentralization is the way the central government divides powers among local governance organizations in order to provide public services to the people thoroughly, quickly, as well as meet the problems and needs of the people in each locality. It also provides opportunities for local residents to participate in the election of local leaders to work for them including easier monitoring the work of the leaders.

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Governance decentralization consists of the allocation of powers, duties and budgets to local governance agencies. It includes a provision of knowledge support in principles and methods of management, as well as various technologies for providing efficient and quality public services to the people.


Governance decentralization needs leaders, who have accurate and profound knowledge on the principle of participatory democracy.  Also, the people themselves must be aware of their rights, liberties and duties to actively and continuously participate. Otherwise the development of the decentralization may stall and negatively affect the quality of life of the local people at all times. Therefore, the governance decentralization is not something that is easily acquired. It’s exchanged for a high level of commitment, patience, cooperation and reconciliation.


This publication of the book series on “125 Years of Thai Local Administration” is a collection of writings from thinkers, academics and experts on decentralization and local governance. The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS), through a support of the publication, aims to promote constructive discussion and intellectual exchange of ideas and knowledge from the writings.


There are 5 book in the series. Each one focuses on the specific topic concerning the Thai local administration. Links to the eBooks can be found below.


Book 1: The History and the Politics on Local Administration


Book 2: The Development of the Local Administration – From the Past to the Present


Book 3: Local Politics – Cooperation, Problems, Obstacles, and Conflicts


Book 4: The Management of the Local Administration


Book 5: Local Administration in the Past 124 Years (1897-2021) – Issues and Challenges

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Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Napajaree Jiwanantaprawat

Senior Project Manager +66 (0) 2 714 1207 +66 2 714 13 07


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