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Event Reports


Dialogue and Professional Training on Legal Service 2019 in the Northern Region


The Ministry of Justice’s Department of General Affairs in Legislative Development, supported by KAS, held a dialogue and professional training in order to equip legal staff with greater capabilities and to sharpen their skills in legal services. The event also was organized as a contribution to the rule-of-law dialogue between Germany and Vietnam. In a dialogue format and through direct interaction with participants, experts stressed the great importance of legal services in the process of law-making, promulgation and implementation. They also identified persisting challenges like a decrease in full-time legal staff positions and a lack of know-how in certain fields. In the following training, participants were able to deepen their knowledge in legislative development, legal implementation and judicial reform as well as communication and public navigation on legal policies.

Equality in Accessing Resources for Vietnamese Enterprises: Lessons Learned from International Experiences

International workshop

The Institute of State and Law (ISL) of the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and KAS organized a workshop on the equality in accessing resources for businesses. Vietnamese, Polish and Korean experts first gave insights into regional and international experiences. They later drew conclusions for Vietnamese enterprises accessing technological, financial and developmental resources. Policy implications and recommendations were given on how to improve Vietnamese enterprises’ access to resources and therefore their scope for growth and development.

Classification of Power between Local Government Levels in Vietnam


The Ministry of Home Affair’s Institute for State Organizational Sciences (ISOS) and KAS hosted a symposium on theoretical and practical issues regarding the determination and classification of authority between Vietnamese local government levels.

ASEAN 2020 - Simulating the future of regional integration

Simulation game

A number of students had the opportunity to take part in the simulation game hosted by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) and KAS. By taking the roles of delegates from all ASEAN member countries the students were able to practice their negotiating skills as well as gain insights into the challenges faced by diplomats. The topics discussed included a fictional context on labour mobility, maritime security, and refugee crisis.

Combating plastic pollution in the South China Sea

4th Ocean Dialogue

As the environmental impacts of waste on maritime ecosystems has become a burning issue for the world community, the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) and the Australian Embassy to Vietnam together with KAS co-hosted the fourth Ocean Dialogue "Combating Plastic Pollution in the South China Sea" in January 2019. The following video further emphasises the most important points of this event.

Cooperation and integration in the Baltic region and Southeast Asia: A comparative perspective

International conference

The conference, which had been organised in joint efforts by the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH) and KAS, addressed traditional and non-traditional security issues, challenges and opportunities for cooperation in the Baltic region in comparison to trends in Southeast Asia. While soft security matters play an increasingly important role in the two regions, hard security issues are still of relevance. Experts showed how experiences made in the Baltic region may help Southeast Asia and especially ASEAN on the way to further cooperation and integration.

Quarterly Report (III) - Independent Assessment of Vietnam's Macroeconomic Policies

According to the announced data, Vietnamese economy witnessed an abnormal surge in economic growth in Q3, with the growth rate at 7.46% (yoy), the highest in the past seven years and much higher than Q2/2017 (6.17%) and the same period of previous years (2015: 6.87%, 2016: 6.56%). The economic growth rate in the first nine months of the year reached 6.41% (yoy), significantly surpassing the same period of 2016 yet a bit lower than 2015 (6.5%).

German Federal Elections 2017

Federal elections were held in Germany on Sunday 24.09.2017 to elect the members of Bundestag. Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Head Quarter has made a short analysis on the result of the elections.

Quarterly Report (I) - Independent Assessment Of Vietnam's Macroeconomic Policies

Regarding Vietnamese economy, Q1 surprised with a growth level of 5.1%, the lowest level for the past three years. The recovery of agriculture, forestry, and aquaculture sectors (2.0%), together with the stable growth in the service sector (6.5%) were not enough to compensate for the abnormally low growth level of the industry sector. Notably, manufacturing and processing sector grew at only 8.3%, lower than Q1/2016. The VEPI of 5.8% also reflects a slowdown in the economic growth of Viet Nam in Q1.

The proceedings of the conference “30 Years of Doi Moi: Success, Lessons and Prospects”

In 2016 KAS and University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH) jointly organized the conference “30 Years of Doi Moi: Success, Lessons and Prospects”. The publication of the proceedings of the conference is an offer to the esteemed reader to follow us in discovering the opportunities and challenges of Vietnam’s future reform course.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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