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Event Reports


Chinese Investment in Southeast Asia: pattern and geopolitical significance

Southeast Asia’s growing economic linkages with China generate political opportunities and strategic concerns in equal measure. Recent discussions have tended to focus on infrastructure projects, especially those associated with the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). However, to gauge their significance and impacts, such projects must be understood against the broader context of Chinese investments in Southeast Asia.

European National Innovation Systems: Trends, Policies and Challenges - Lessons learned for Vietnam

International Conference

In the context of a rapidly developing knowledge economy, National Innovation Systems (NIS) can play a crucial role in the economic growth of countries. European countries have paid special attention to promoting scientific and technological innovation, enhancing the combination of scientific and technological innovation with economic growth. At the same time, they proposed strategies and policies to promote the development of NIS. Vietnam’s NIS is in the process of being finalized, so there are still many limitations such as: the policies to promote technology development in Vietnam have not been given high priority, and they have not yet been integrated into the country’s industrial, investment and trade policies. Vietnam's industrial policy pays little attention to developing domestic technological capabilities as an indispensable factor in the industrialization process. The process of commercializing innovative products is not really effective, reducing the motivation for NIS development. Against this background, on 9 Sep 2021, experts from Việt Nam and Europe gathered at an online seminar to discuss the application of the National Innovation Systems (NIS) in Việt Nam, a new concept that could bring profound effects. The seminar was co-organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam Office and Institute for European Studies/VASS.

The 7th Ocean Dialogue

Emerging Maritime Issues from Legal Perspectives

The seventh dialogue with the theme of evaluating arising sea-related issues from the perspective of international law has recently been held virtually, drawing over 250 domestic and foreign experts, as well as delegates from foreign representative agencies in Hanoi and the media. The event was jointly organised by the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV), the British Embassy in Vietnam and the Kondras Adenauer Stiftung Foundation (KAS).


China Talk 17

Over the last 5 years, KAS Vietnam has been supporting its partner – Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam organized the China Talk series, and this is now the 17th China Talk with the topic is “Priorities and outlook for China's foreign policy from present to the 20th Party Congress“. This topic was selected in the context that China's communist party is preparing for its 20th Party Congress at the end of the 2022 with multiple issues of interest related to the economy, the pandemic, the relation with the US and their partners… But there is also the question of Xi Jinping's leadership and the question of a possible succession. The main speaker for China talk 17 is Richard McGregor, senior fellow at the Lowy Institute, Australia. Richard McGregor is an award-winning journalist and author of many valuable publications. Richard is also known as an expert on China’s political system and the workings and structure of the communist party. The two commentators provided insightful comments over the topic are: 1. Mr. Ewan Lawson, former Senior Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute and 2. Dr. Nguyen Thanh Trung, Director, Centre for International Studies (SCIS), University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University ‐ Ho Chi Minh City. Moderator of the event is Dr Le Dinh Tinh, Director General, Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies, Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam. For the first time, a China Talk has to run completely virtual. Still, it received more than hundred online participants. China Talk series is always one of the greatest joint activities between KAS Vietnam and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam and it showed that learning and understanding about China seems to be the never ending. The China Talk 18 is expected to be organized in October 2021.


5th German-Asian Business Dialogue

The Future Of The International Order Is Decided In Asia

German-Asian cooperation possesses abundant potential for maintaining the rules-based international order and keeping global trade routes open – requirements for both regions’ prosperity. Which challenges are governments and businesses in the Indo-Pacific and Germany facing under Covid-19? What lessons have been learned?

Hang Pham

Synthesizing and Approving the Final Accounts of Provincial Budget

Experts share experiences in verifying and approving provincial budget with officers of people's councils and people's committees in the Northern region.

The National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee and KAS Vietnam jointly organized a seminar in Ha Long city in order to arm officials of People’s Councils and People’s Committee in the Northern region with the skills in synthesizing and approving the final accounts of provincial budget.

Training seminar

Criminal Liability of Legal Entities

The criminal liability of commercial legal persons is new [to many countries not only Vietnam, as before, it was considered as administrative sanctions only] but a compulsory regulation in legal system, particularly in the time of rapid, complicated and integrated economic development for both Vietnam and other countries in the world. Vietnam, a rapid developing country, a destination for many foreign investors, a social oriented market economy…thus enhancing legal system to timely prevent and counter violated acts committed by commercial legal person is a Must. Given that, today, 30 September 2020, KAS Vietnam in collaboration with The Criminal and Administrative Legislation Department, Ministry of Justice co-organised a training seminar on “Raising awareness of law enforcement officers on criminal liability of legal entities in criminal law”. Speaking at opening remarks, Mr. Peter Girke, KAS Country Representative highly appreciated Vietnam’s political will in enhancement of the national legal framework and also applauded Vietnam as one of pioneers in criminalization liability of legal entities. Peter Girke also shared that in Germany, a criminal verdict is tied to the ethical question of whether an individual’s conduct presents an autonomous decision to violate rules and duties. There is a basic assumption that only individuals can take such autonomous decisions. Therefore, only individuals can be held liable for their behavior. However, that does not mean that legal entities would get away with it entirely in Germany. Where the German Criminal Code would hinder prosecution of legal persons, still the individuals acting on behalf of that legal person would be held liable instead – which, however, may be difficult for example if several individuals worked in a collective at a company. More than 100 participants coming from different law enforcement agencies from central to provincial levels, including prosecutors, judges and polices shall have full day for sharing their practical experiences, difficulties and challenges in their work. This activity is under the umbrella of the big program State Rules of Law which was agreed by the two governments Vietnam and Germany. Mr. Do Duc Hien, Director General, The Department of Administrative and Criminal Legislation showed his gratitude to KAS continuous support to MOJ over the years and hope that this seminar training will help providing knowledge and information that benefit for all practitioners.

International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Role of the EU and the Us

Experts discuss security policies of the EU and the US in the Asia-Pacific region

KAS Vietnam and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities today (Sep. 29th) successfully organized the workshop entitled “International Relations in the Asia-Pacific Region: the role of the EU and the US”. Speakers at the workshop were Deputy Head and First Counsellor of the EU Delegation - Mrs. Axelle Nicaise, German Ambassador to Vietnam - Dr. Guido Hildner, the USA Embassy’s Political Counselor - Mr. Noah Zaring, Head of Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ European Department - Mr. Dinh Toan Thang and Director of the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam’s Strategic Institute - Dr. Le Dinh Tinh.

ASEAN And The Rules Based Regional Order In The Making

Rules-based [international] order is defined as the notion that all are bound by a global set of rules, an international law above power. After the Second World War the United States sought to create a more rules-based international order and drove the creation of new institutions, chiefly the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization. Order is necessary to reduce chaos. But whether the international order is just, fair, depends on the type of international order it is. Many “realists” argue that the rules-based order is a fiction and that international relations are still determined by power. Truth is somewhere in the middle. International relations are not defined exclusively by either power or rules, and the distinction between the two is not always clear cut The idea of a “Rules-Based Global Order”, and the need for it, has risen to prominence in recent years. Various ideas of a “rules-based global order” have been promoted by various countries and organizations. However, the concept of a “rules-based global order” is still ambiguous. At the regional level, a big concern today is that multiple “orders” start to emerge. However, it is necessary to explore a possible existence of consensus on a rules-based regional order. ASEAN countries are among top affected when set rules lose cohesion and abidance. ASEAN is severely tested, adrift and divided. It is imperative for ASEAN to finds constructive solutions to maintain its relevance and centrality in regional processes. A big question for ASEAN now is to explore the possible existence of consensus on RBO, what rules are to be followed, what visions actors have about the institutions that must be used to establish the rules, what their mechanisms would be, and how decisions are reached within them? Today’s topic is very on time and useful for ASEAN and Vietnam itself, especially in its years as chairmanship of ASEAN. Policy recommendation is expected as follow-up of this workshop. KAS and DAV hope this conference provided a good platform for exchanging ideas among scholars in ASEAN and ASEAN’s partners on the reshaping of a new regional rules-based order and ASEAN’s role in the process.

Photo KAS Vietnam : Candidates and judges of the Student Contest

Innovation for Networked Security Policy - A Competition for Undergraduate Students

The competition to find out solution for food insecurity and climate change

The competition “Innovation for Networked Security Policy -Coping with Food Insecurity and Climate Change", co-organised by KAS and University of Social Sciences and Humanities attrated

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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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