Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Vietnam Quarterly Macroeconomic Report

Quarter 1 - 2018

The domestic economy in Q1 witnessed an unusually high growth rate of 7.38% (yoy), the highest in 10 years. The agriculture, forestry, fishery, and service sectors improved sharply compared to previous years. The industry and construction sector also grew at a high rate of 9.7%. The manufacturing continued to be the driving force for the whole economy. Meanwhile, the mining industry has gained positive growth after two years of decline. The number of new jobs and newly established firms in Q1 did not increase sharply like the growth of the economy compared to the previous year.

Vietnam Quarterly Macroeconomic Report

Quarter 4 - 2017

The domestic economy, after an abnormal Q3, continued to be reported with even more impressive growth rate of 7.65% (yoy), which contributed to the overall growth rate of 6.81% in 2017, surpassing the National Assembly’s target of 6.7%. Agriculture, forestry and fishery and service sectors improved greatly compared to previous years. The number of foreign visitors set a record of nearly 13 million, contributing to the recovery of service sector. The manufacturing witnessed a tremendous growth of 14.4%, being the driving force of the whole industry sector.

Global Future Survey 1/2017

The first Global Future Survey in the year 2017 has been published by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and the Fraunhofer Institute.

Evaluation of the Law on Public Debt Management of Vietnam and some Policy Implications

In Vietnam, the scale of public debt tends to increase dramatically and has approached the limit set by the National Assembly. This fact indicates the need to enhance the effectiveness of public debt management. Meanwhile, the Law on Public Debt Management in 2009, after eight years of implementation, has revealed some shortcomings that need to be amended and supplemented. In such context, the draft revision of the Law on Public Debt Management has been developed and is expected to be passed at the fourth session of the 14th National Assembly in October - November this year.

Vietnam: Der Entführungsfall TXT

Dem Entführten droht die Todesstrafe und den Deutsch-Vietnamesischen Beziehungen eine Belastung

Der ehemalige Leiter eines staatlichen Unternehmens in Vietnam wurde im Juli 2017 in Berlin entführt. Die vietnamesische Position lautet, er habe sich freiwillig den Behörden vor Ort gestellt. Ihm wird Korruption und Unterschlagung in einem besonders schweren Fall vorgeworfen, ihm droht damit nun die Todesstrafe. Der Fall hat das Potential, die deutsch-vietnamesischen Beziehungen, bisher eher von Pragmatismus geprägt, nachhaltig zu verschlechtern.

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung tiếc thương Helmut Kohl

Nói về sự ra đi của cựu Thủ tướng Liên bang Helmut Kohl, chủ tịch của Viện Konrad Adenauer và cựu Chủ tịch Nghị viện Châu Âu, ông Hans-Gert Pöttering đã tuyên bố:

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mourns the loss of Helmut Kohl

On the death of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and former President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, writes:

Vietnam: Eine Steuer für den Umweltschutz

Füllt sie die leere Staatskasse oder ist sie eine Belastung für die Wirtschaft?

Das vietnamesische Finanzministerium fordert eine Erhöhung der Umweltschutzsteuer. Doch der Vorschlag stößt auf Kritik, da eine Belastung für die einheimische Wirtschaft befürchtet wird. Um den Schutz der Umwelt geht es in der Diskussion bisher offenbar nur nachrangig.

Job Announcement

We, a German Political Foundation, have been present in Vietnam for over 20 years and are partner to over 15 prestigious Vietnamese organizations, institutes, universities, government and legislative bodies and other political stakeholders. We are engaged in rule-of-law structures, parliamentary democracy, sustainable and social market economy, regional and international integration, development of modern media. KAS Hanoi Office is currently looking for a Project Manager. If you are interested in the position please find the application requirements in the below PDF File.

Tuyển Dụng

Viện Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) là một quỹ chính trị, với hơn 200 dự án ở trên 120 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ. KAS có mặt ở Việt Nam hơn 20 năm và có hơn 15 đối tác uy tín là các tổ chức, viện nghiên cứu, các cơ quan lập pháp và chính phủ. KAS Việt Nam cam kết thúc đẩy nhà nước pháp quyền, dân chủ nghị viện, kinh tế thị trường xã hội bền vững, hội nhập khu vực và quốc tế, phát triển báo chí hiện đại.