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Neighborhood Planning and Design Towards Healthy Cities

Toolkit Launching event

The first collaborative project between KAS Vietnam and Hanoi University of Civil Engineering, titled “Health-oriented policies and sustainable building practices to promote well-being and green urban governance in Vietnam (HOPE),” is nearing completion. Initiated in 2022, the project has progressed through three phases, developing comprehensive and cross-cutting knowledge in health-oriented policies and sustainable building practices/green housing in Vietnamese cities. Additionally, both international and Vietnamese trans-disciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge have been shared and exchanged. On Thursday, September 19th, final product of this project: The Toolkit for Neighborhood Planning and Design Towards Healthy Cities will be officially presented to relevant audiences.


Workshop on International experiences on preventing money laundering and terrorist financing

Co-organized by KAS Vietnam and Department of Criminal and Administrative Legislation, Ministry of Justice

The workshop will explore international experiences in developing and enforcing legal regulations to prevent and combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism. It will focus on enhancing the effectiveness of Vietnam’s Effectiveness Assessment Report and Technical Compliance Report. Specifically, the workshop will address areas where Vietnam currently falls short of Financial Action Task Force standards, particularly those related to the Ministry of Justice’s responsibilities. This includes regulations on money laundering (Recommendation No. 3), criminal penalties for acts related to the financing of terrorism (Recommendation No. 5), criminalization and financial penalties for the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (Recommendation No. 7), and issues concerning the criminal liability of legal entities for money laundering and terrorist financing.

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Expert talk

Báo cáo kinh tế quý I/2018 - Viện Nghiên Cứu Kinh Tế và Chính Sách

Đánh giá độc lập về chính sách kinh tế vĩ mô của Việt Nam

Ts. Nguyễn Đức Thành sẽ trình bày báo cáo về tình hình kinh tế vĩ mô trong nước Quý I/2018. Các chuyên gia kinh tế sẽ tham gia bình luận và phản biện bản báo cáo. Phần hai của hội thảo sẽ dành để các chuyên gia giải đáp câu hỏi của báo giới.

Expert talk

Vietnam Institute of Economic Policy Research's Quarterly Report I


Dr. Nguyen Duc Thanh, VEPR's President, will briefly present the institute's report on macro economic in the first quarter of 2018. The presentation will receive comments from the invited experts and be followed by Q&A session for the press.

Expert talk

Vorstellung des „Quarterly Macroeconomic Report“ für das erste Quartal 2018

Eine unabhängige Bewertung Vietnams makroökonomischer Politiken

Nguyen Duc Thanh, Präsident des Vietnam Institute for Economic and Policy Research, wird den Bericht seines Instituts in Kürze vorstellen. Eingeladene Experten werden die Publikation kommentieren. Im Anschluss folgt eine Q&A-Session für die Presse.


Conference on Vietnam's application for a seat in the UN Security Council

The conference will focus on Vietnam's application for a non-permanent membership in the UN Security Council for the term 2020-21. Experts will discuss current issues for non-permanent members and potential strategies for Vietnam's application.


Konferenz über Vietnams Bewerbung um einen Platz im UN-Sicherheitsrat

Die Veranstaltung wird die vietnamesische Bewerbung um einen Sitz im UN-Sicherheitsrat für die Jahre 2020-21 in den Blick nehmen. Dabei werden Experten diskutieren, wie die Bewerbung im Kontext der aktuellen Außenpolitik des Landes einzuschätzen ist.


Việt Nam chuẩn bị cho vị trí thành viên không thường trực tại Hội Đồng Bảo An LHQ

Nhiệm kỳ 2020-2021

Hội nghị sẽ bàn thảo việc Việt Nam nộp đơn trở thành thành viên không thường trực của Hội Đồng Bảo An Liên Hiệp Quốc, nhiệm kỳ 2020-21. Các chuyên gia sẽ đề cập đến các vấn đề hiện nay của các thành viên không thường trực và hàm ý cho Việt Nam.


2nd Ocean Dialogue

Fishery Cooperation in the South China Sea

KAS Vietnam in cooperation with the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) and Australian Embassy will organize the 2nd Ocean Dialogue. Regional and Vietnamese maritime experts will discuss fishery policy and cooperation in the South China Sea.


Tọa Đàm về Biển Lần Thứ 2

Hợp tác nghề cá ở Biển Đông

Viện KAS Việt Nam phối hợp với Viện Biển Đông, Học Viện Ngoại Giao Viet Nam và Đại Sứ Quán Úc tổ chức Tọa Đàm về Biển lần thứ 2. Các chuyên gia hải dương học đến từ khu vực và Việt Nam sẽ thảo luận các chính sách và hợp tác nghề cá ở Biển Đông.


Zweiter Ocean Dialogue

Kooperation im Bereich der Fischerei im Südchinesischen Meer

KAS Vietnam wird in Kooperation mit der Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam (DAV) und der australischen Botschaft den zweiten Ocean Dialogue ausrichten. Dabei werden internationale Experten über Politik und Kooperation im Bereich der Fischerei diskutieren.

Expert talk

Báo cáo kinh tế quý IV - 2017 - Đánh giá độc lập về chính sách kinh tế vĩ mô của Việt Nam

Viện Nghiên Cứu Kinh Tế và Chính Sách thuộc ĐH Quốc Gia sẽ trình bày báo cáo kinh tế vĩ mô quý IV- 2017. Các chuyên gia kinh tế hàng đầu của Việt Nam sẽ tham gia phản biện và bình luận về báo cáo này.

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The third Bavi dialogue - Armed Conflicts in the Era of Renewed Great Power Competition

On August 23rd, the 3rd Bavi Dialogue, co-organized by KAS Vietnam and the Institute for Foreign Policy and Strategic Studies (Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam), convened leading security experts, scholars, and practitioners to discuss critical security issues related to armed conflicts in the era of renewed great power competition. We were honored to have the participation of renowned German security policy scholars, Prof. Carlo Masala from the Center for Intelligence and Security (Bundeswehr University Munich) and Dr. Felix Heiduk from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs SWP.

Training course on Preventing and Resolving International Investment Disputes

On August 9, 2024, in Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province, a training conference “Preventing and resolving international investment disputes according to laws, international commitments of Vietnam and international experiences” was co-organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and the International Law Department of the Ministry of Justice within the framework of the Rule-of-Law Dialogue between Germany and Vietnam.

Vietnam and Germany – Partners for a Rules-Based Maritime Order and Maritime Challenges

Dialogue Program in Germany

Between June 23rd and 29th, a Vietnamese delegation consisting of six representatives from legal, diplomatic, and defense sectors participated in a productive and extensive dialogue program across Hamburg, Kiel, and Berlin in Germany. The program, titled “Vietnam and Germany: Partners for a Rules-Based Maritime Order and Maritime Challenges” was organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung. The purpose of this dialogue program is twofold: first, to acquaint participants with the operations and procedures of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) in Hamburg; and second, to engage in legal and security policy discussions. These discussions focused on topics related to the advancement of international maritime law and Germany’s commitment to a rules-based maritime order in the Indo-Pacific. On this occasion, Mr Florian Feyerabend, the Resident Representative of KAS Vietnam accompanied the delegates throughout the program.

Impact Assessment of Policies in the Development of Legal Normative Documents in 2024

On 14 June 2024, in Hanoi, 150 executives and officials from ministries, government agencies, northern municipalities assembled in a conference titled “Impact Assessment of Policies in the Development of Legal Normative Documents in 2024”. The conference was co-organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and the Ministry of Justice/Department of General Affairs in Legislative Development; and it is a part of the bilateral dialogue on the rule of law between the Germany and Vietnam. The conference addressed the impact assessment of measures related to the development of normative legal documents, emphasized the importance of evaluating the implementation of laws for a well-functioning legal system.

Innovating and Improving the Efficiency of Law Implementation Organization in the Period 2025 – 2030

Workshop co-organized by KAS Vietnam and Ministry of Justice

In recent years, Vietnam has made significant strides in perfecting its legal system to regulate all aspects of economic and social life. However, while the legislative process has achieved notable progress, the organization and enforcement of laws have not kept pace with development requirements, revealing certain shortcomings and limitations. One of the main reasons for this situation is the lack of full institutionalization in law enforcement organization. In 2023, the Vietnamese Government issued Resolution No. 77/NQ-CP, outlining an action program to implement Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW issued by the 13th Party Central Committee in 2022. Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW emphasizes innovation in the law enforcement mechanism, closely linking law development and implementation to ensure effective, and efficient enforcement.

Vietnam 2045 Report: Global Economic Trends and Policy Implications for Vietnam

On May 21, in Hanoi, the conference titled "Vietnam 2045 Report: Global Economic Trends and Policy Implications for Vietnam" facilitated dialogue among policymakers, senior national researchers, and international experts. Their discussions contributed valuable input to the “Vietnam 2045 Report” which will guide Vietnam’s path toward achieving socioeconomic development goals, including becoming a high-income country by 2045 and transitioning to a de-carbonized economy (net zero) by 2050.

China Talk 23

The future of world order: a view from China

The future of world order: a view from China is the topic for the latest 23rd instalment of the China Talk series which has long been one of the signatured-joint events between Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam.

Roadmap to shorten the process and duration for annual state budget settlement

The National Assembly (NA)’s Finance and Budget Committee, with Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam support, organized a workshop on the roadmap for shortening the process and duration of the State final accounts approval. The goal of shortening the process from 18 months to 12 months is to improve the effectiveness of management and use of State budget and increase the responsibility and accountability of the State-budget spending units, said Madam Nguyen Thi Phu Ha, the committee’s Vice-chairwoman and workshop moderator.

Revising the Law on Managing and Using State Capital Invested in Enterprises

KAS Vietnam has supported the National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee to organize a workshop on the necessity of revising the Law on manging State capital invested in enterprises (also known as the Law No.69, enforced since 2015).


Enduring Maritime Connectivity in a Fragmenting World

How to ensure maritime connectivity in a fragmenting world? How to ensure that it will endure? The 12th Ocean Dialogue co-organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Vietnam and Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam on 15 March tried to provide answers in a multidisciplinary approach at the nexus of foreign policy, international law, maritime science and technology.