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CIVITAS Academy 2023

Interdisciplinary perspectives on the history of Christian Democracy and its sources

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CIVITAS Academy 2023
The CIVITAS Academy 2023 in Leuven

The 2023 CIVITAS-Academy, an initiative of CIVITAS - Forum of Archives and Research on Christian Democracy, will take place from 7 to 10 November 2023 at KADOC-KU Leuven. During this event, an international group of young and early career researchers will present their current research projects on the history of Christian-Democracy.

KADOC-KU Leuven invited Dr Simon Unger Alvi (German Historical Institute Rome) as keynote speaker on “Christian Renewal and Conservative Continuities: German Christian Democracy and the Catholic Church after 1945”. The conference can be followed online. For registration and questions, please contact Dr Godfried Kwanten (KADOC-KU Leuven).

What is CIVITAS?

CIVITAS-FARCD, a European network of research and archival institutions dedicated to the history of Christian-Democracy, started its yearly Academy format in 2021 with the goal of stimulating fresh interdisciplinary approaches and themes as well as to connect the history of Christian-Democracy to wider and comparative fields of research.

What do you find on this page?

On this page you will find a brief overview of this year’s Academy participants. In addition, relevant archival holdings from the Archive for Christian-Democratic Policy (ACDP) on individual lectures is provided.

1st Lecture: Angela Cimino

Participant: Angela Cimino, PhD student at the Ludwig Maximilians Universität München and the German Historical Institute in Rome

Title: ‘Papacy, Holy See, Judaism and Israel in the Post-World War II Period (1945-1958)’

Overview: Angela Cimino studies the relations between the Holy See and the State of Israel in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, from 1945 to 1958. Her research aims to identify and analyse the issues that caused the initial distance between the two states.

2nd Lecture: Felix A. Jiménez Botta + Relevant Archival Holdings

Participant: Felix A. Jiménez Botta, PhD, Associate Professor, School of International Liberal Arts, Miyazaki International University

Title: ‘Christian Democrats and the Central American insurgencies, 1979–1992

Overview: Felix A. Jiménez Botta investigates the policies of German Christian-Democratic groups toward the Central American insurgencies in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala and their supporters within West Germany during the 1980s.

Relevant Archival Holdings of ACDP:

• 07-001 CDU-Bundespartei - Büro für Auswärtige Beziehungen (Link Findbuch Band 3)

• 07-001 CDU-Bundespartei – Bundesvorstandsprotokolle (Link Findbuch Band 1)

• 08-001 CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion – Fraktionsprotokolle (Link Findbuch)

• 08-009 CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion - Büro für Auswärtige Beziehungen (Link Bestandsgruppe BT-Fraktion)

• 09-009 UMDC (Link Bestandsgruppe Europa)

• 04-007 Junge Union (Link Findbuch)

• 04-006 Ring Christlich-Demokratischer Studenten (Link Findbuch)

• 04-013 Christlich-Demokratische Arbeitnehmerschaft (Link Bestandsgruppe Vereinigungen)

• 01-022 Bruno Heck (Link Bestandsgruppe Nachlässe)

• 01-682 Ottfried Hennig (Link Bestandsgruppe Nachlässe)

• 01-779 Heinrich Gewandt (Link Bestandsgruppe Nachlässe)

Selection of Sources:

• Gottfried Hennig: Gemeinsame Salvador-Politik möglich?, Deutschland-Union-Dienst Nr. 49, 17.03.1981 (ACDP 01-682-008/4)

• Documents on meetings between Helmut Kohl, Heiner Geißler and representatives of the El Salvadorian junta, 1981 (ACDP 07-001-16232)

• Note for Helmut Kohl with an assessment of the political situation in Guatemala and the state of the Guatemalan Christian-Democratic movement, 07.05.1980 (ACDP 07-001-16193)

• Documents on internal CDU discussions regarding human rights violations in Guatemala and the possible complicity of the Guatemalan Christian-Democrats, 1982 (ACDP 08-009-010)

3rd Lecture: Margherita Capannoli

Participant: Margherita Capannoli, PhD student at the School of International Studies in Trento

Title: ‘A missed axis: Italian Foreign Policy and Britain’s access to the European Economic Community (1961-1973)’

Overview: Margherita Capannoli explores the role that Italy’s foreign policy and diplomacy played in the British accession process to the European Economic Community (EEC) between 1961 and 1973. Her project focuses on the support Italy provided for the UK’s applications for membership in the EEC.

4th Lecture: Guillermo Ramos Flamerich + Relevant Archival Holdings

Participant: Guillermo Ramos Flamerich, Venezuelan PhD student at the Sorbonne Nouvelle University - Paris 3 and KAS schola

Title: ‘From “Pluralist Solidarity” to the Debt Crisis: Rafael Caldera and the International Social Justice for Latin America’

Overview: Guillermo Ramos Flamerich analyses the concept of ‘International Social Justice’ (ISJ), developed by Rafael Caldera, founder of Venezuelan Christian-Democracy and former president of the republic of Venezuela. His objective is to examine the alternatives presented by Latin American Christian-Democracy to the relations between developed and emerging countries, based on the concept of ISJ.

Relevant Archival Holdings of ACDP:

• 07-001 CDU-Bundespartei – Büro für Auswärtige Beziehungen (Link für Findbuch 07-001 Band 3)

• 09-009 Union Mondiale des Democrates Chretiens (Link Bestandsgruppe Europa)

• 01-022 Bruno Heck (Link Bestandsgruppe Nachlässe)

• 01-426 Volkmar Köhler (Link Bestandsgruppe Nachlässe)

• 01-779 Heinrich Gewandt (Link Bestandsgruppe Nachlässe)

Selection of Sources:

• Speech by Rafael Caldera at the 106th Meeting of the Council of World Interparliamentary Union, 1971 (ACDP 01-426-103/1)

• Speech by Rafael Caldera at the 24th CDU federal party congress, 24.05.1976 (ACDP 07-001-22152)

• Speech by Rafael Caldera on “Urgence et signification de la justice sociale internationale“, 23.01.1980 (ACDP 09-009-104/4)

• Correspondence between Heinrich Gewandt and Rafael Caldera 1965-1970 (ACDP 01-779-002/1)

• Gottfried Hennig: Rafael Caldera – ein großer Staatsmann, Deutschland-Union-Dienst Nr. 168, 02.09.1982 (ACDP 01-682-008/4)

5th Lecture: Sam Kuijken + Relevant Archival Holdings

Participant: Sam Kuijken, PhD student at KADOC-KU Leuven

Title: ‘Tracing the Roots of Cuban Christian Democracy: Prerevolutionary origins and post-1959 trajectories’

Overview: Sam Kuijken traces the ‘prehistory’ of Cuban Christian-Democracy as it unfolded predominantly on the ‘Catholic Left’ in the 1940s and later in opposition to the regime of Fulgencio Batista. He also engages the question of why Christian Democracy did not advance more concretely as an alternative to Fidel Castro after 1959.

Relevant Archival Holdings of ACDP:

• 07-001 CDU-Bundespartei - Büro für Auswärtige Beziehungen (Link Findbuch 07-001 Band 3)

• 08-009 CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion - Büro für Auswärtige Beziehungen (Link Übersicht Bundestagsfraktion)

• 09-009 Union Mondiale des Democrates Chretiens (Link Bestandsgruppe Europa)

Selection of Sources:

• Documents on the possibility of CDU support for the ‘Movimiento Democrata Cristiano De Cuba’ (MDCC) by CDU, 1963 (ACDP 07-001-12027)

• MDCC press release, 12.08.1981 (ACDP 09-009-039/1 A)

• Resolution adopted by the 23rd MDCC Congress regarding human rights violations on Cuba, 09.11.1983 (ACDP 09-009-039/1 B)

6th Lecture: Federico Perini

Participant: Federico Perini, PhD student in Contemporary History at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan

Title: ‘The idea of Eurafrica into the Christian Democratic debate on the end of colonialism (1943-1957

Overview: Federico Perini analyses how Italian Christian-Democracy, during the aftermath of the Second World War, debated a new idea of Eurafrica, capable of overturning the original, fascist version into a concept that was able to propose an anti-colonial, pro-European and Atlanticist foreign policy perspective.

7th Lecture: Krystof Dolezal + Relevant Archival Holdings

Participant: Krystof Dolezal, PhD student at the Doctoral School of Political Science, Central European University Vienna

Title: ‘Recasting the Christian Democratic Ideology in Czechoslovakia (1945-1992)’

Overview: Krystof Dolezal aims to reconstruct the genealogy of Christian Democratic ideology in postwar Czechoslovakia by examining two critical junctures of the ideological breakthrough: the short hybrid regime of the Third Republic (1945—1948) and the “great transformation” (1989-1993). 

Relevant Archival Holdings of ACDP:

• 07-001 CDU-Bundespartei - Büro für Auswärtige Beziehungen (Link für Findbuch 07-001 Band 3)

• 08-009 CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion - Büro für Auswärtige Beziehungen (Link Übersicht Bundestagsfraktion)

• 09-009 Union Mondiale des Democrates Chretiens  (Link Bestandsgruppe Europa)

Selection of Sources:

• Invitation to the 5th Christian-Democratic symposium by Czechoslovakian Association of Christian workers in Switzerland, 1977 (ACDP 09-009-031/6)

• Note for Helmut Kohl on CDU relations with Czechoslovak Christian-Democratic parties, 26.11.1991 (ACDP 08-009-157/1)

• Note by European Democratic Union (EDU) on new developments in the Czech party system, 15.11.1990 (ACDP 08-009-137/2 A)

• Note on Czechoslovak Christian-Democratic Parties, 28.03.1990 (ACDP 08-009-137/2 B)

• Note for Helmut Kohl on CDU support for Czechoslovakian People’s Party (CSFR), 08.11.1990 (ACDP 08-009-137/2 C)

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Daniel Schaper

Portrait von Daniel Schaper

Desk Officer Document Archive +49 2241-246-2721

Dr. Michael Borchard


Leiter Wissenschaftliche Dienste / Archiv für Christlich-Demokratische Politik +49 30 26996-3581 +49 30 26996-53581