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IV. Energieforum Südkaukasus

Der Südkaukasus und die Europäische Energiegemeinschaft

Die KAS veranstaltet in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Regional Environmental Center for the South Caucasus das IV. Energieforum Südkaukasus. Das diesjährige Forum befasst sich mit Kooperationsmöglichkeiten mit der Europäischen Energiegemeinschaft.

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Opening and welcome remarks

  • Dr. Canan Atilgan, Director, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Regional Program Political Dialogue South Caucasus, Tbilisi

  • Malak Shukurova, Executive Director, Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus), Tbilisi


KEYNOTE: The European Energy Community – objectives, priorities and opportunities for cooperation

  • Dr. Dirk Buschle, Deputy Director, Energy Community Secretariat, Vienna

  • Moderation: Dr. Canan Atilgan, Director, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Regional Program Political Dialogue South Caucasus, Tbilisi


PANEL I: Energy sector development strategies in the South Caucasus and European energy governance

Thematic focus: energy sector development strategies in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia; moods and modes of cooperation with the European Energy Community; regional energy cooperation; implications of the crisis in Ukraine and the ‘shale gas revolution’ on energy strategies and policies in the region;

  • Moderation: Malak Shukurova, Executive Director, Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus), Tbilisi

  • Reporting: Ruzanna Harutyunyan, Senior Specialist, Industry Policy Department, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia

  • Davit Sharikadze, Head of Energy Department, Ministry of Energy of Georgia

  • Hayk Badalyan, Head of Development Department, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia

  • Khagan Teymurov, Advisor to the Chairman of The State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources under the Ministry of Energy


Coffee break


PANEL II: From the Balkans to the South Caucasus – chances and benefits of extending the EU energy policy to non-EU countries

Thematic focus: introducing EU Energy Policy into non-EU countries; mechanisms and potentials for creating integrated energy markets with the European Union; tools for pan-European energy governance; country-based approaches on implementation of legal harmonization mechanisms; power market reform; fighting corruption in the energy sector; attracting investments; social protection of consumers;

  • Moderation: Manana Dadiani, Director, Energy Efficiency Centre, Tbilisi

  • Reporting: Shorena Gharibashvili, Project Coordinator, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, South Caucasus

  • Davit Chipashvili, Association Green Alternative, Tbilisi

  • Astghine Pasoyan, Energy Saving Foundation, Yerevan

  • Muslim Gurbanov, Head of “Eco Oil" Scientific – Ecological Society, Baku




PANEL III: The quest for energy supply security

Thematic focus: measures to safeguard security of gas and electricity supply and infrastructure investment; country-based implementation mechanisms of EU regulation measures on safeguarding energy security; supply diversification needs of the EU;

  • Moderation: Sabit Bagirov, Chairman of the Entrepreneurship Development Foundation

  • Reporting: Malak Shukurova, Executive Director, Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus), Tbilisi

  • Vugar Bayramov, Chairman of the Centre for Economic and Social Development, Baku

  • Teimuraz Gochitashvili, Chairman of Supervisory Board, Georgian Oil and Gas Corporation, Tbilisi

  • Sevak Saurukhunyan, Chairman of Armenian Centre for Society Research, Yerevan


Coffee Break


PANEL IV: National policies for sustainable energy development with a focus on renewable and clean energy

Thematic focus: assessing renewable energy potentials; green and clean investment promotion programs; evaluation of renewable energy support schemes; assessment of energy efficiency action plans; decarbonisation of the economy; national approaches on gradual and sustainable implementation of the acquis in the field of renewable and clean energy;

  • Moderation: Giorgi Mukhigulishvili, World Experience Georgia, Tbilisi

  • Reporting: Anar Suleymanov, Deputy Head of the Department of Law and Legislation at The State Agency on Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources under the Ministry of Energy

  • Marita Arabidze, Head of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Division, Ministry of Energy of Georgia

  • Alen Amirkhanian, Director, AUA Acopian Center for the Environment

  • Rauf Rzayev, National Coordinator, Regional Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Demonstration Program, UN Industrial Development Organization, Baku



  • Moderation: Giorgi Mukhigulishvili, World Experience Georgia, Tbilisi


Cultural Program




09:30 – 11:30

ROUNDTABLE: Exploring opportunities for institutionalising the South Caucasus Energy Forum

Guiding questions:

1. How should the South Caucasus Energy Forum look like, who should be the key stakeholders?

2. What are appropriate institutional arrangements to organize work processes of the multi-stakeholders platform?

3. What baseline information is needed? What incentives should be set? What framework conditions are needed?

  • Moderation: Shorena Gharibashvili, Project Coordinator, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, South Caucasus; Malak Shukurova, Executive Director, Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus), Tbilisi

  • Reporting: Sophiko Akhobadze, Director, Regional Environmental Centre for the Caucasus (REC Caucasus), Tbilisi


Lunch (optional)


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IV. Energieforum Südkaukasus: Der Südkaukasus und die Europäische Energiegemeinschaft
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Dr. Canan Atilgan

Dr. Canan Atilgan

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