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კონრად ადენაუერის ფონდის სმეინარი საგარეო და უსაფრთხოების პოლიტიკის შესახებ

KAS-School on Foreign and Security Politics

2010 წლის 22–26 აპრილს კონრად ადენაუერის ფონდი წყნეთში ატარებს პოლიტიკური სკოლის ფარგლებში სემინარს, თემაზე "საგარეო და უსაფრთხოების პოლიტიკა", სომხეთისა და საქართველოს ქრისტიან–დემოკრატიული იდეები მქონე პარტიების ახალგაზრდა წევრებისათვის.

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Thursday, 22. April 2010

16.30 hrs

Arrival of participants and experts to Tskneti/Georgia

18.30 hrs

Opening of the Political Winter School on Foreign Politics and Security Politics

Katja Christina Plate


Head of Regional Program for Political Dialogue in the South Caucasus

Afterwards Welcome-Dinner

Friday, 23. April 2010

10.00 hrs

Foreign Politics: Basics

What is Foreign Politics? How does Foreign Politics work? What is going on in the Foreign Ministries? How do International Relations work?

Expert: Mr. Knut Abraham

11.30 hrs

Coffee Break

11.45 hrs

Security Politics: Basics

What is Security Politics? Elements of Security Politics? How does Security Poliitics work? What is the difference between Security Politics and Foreign Politics?

Expert: Mr. Knut Abraham

13.00 hrs


14.00 hrs

Working in Groups:

Group1: Drafting a new foreign policy agenda for Georgia (Party A-GEO)

Group2: Drafting a new foreign policy agenda for Georgia (Party B-GEO)

Group3: Drafting a new foreign policy agenda for Armenia (Party A-ARM)

Group4: Drafting a new foreign policy agenda for Armenia (Party B-ARM)

Presentation of the Foreign Politics Agendas


18.30 hrs


Saturday, 24. April 2010

10.00 hrs

Foreign Policy put under pressure

How does foreign policy work in coalition governments? German Example.

Expert: Mr. Knut Abraham

11.00 hrs

Coffee Break

11.15 hrs

Simulation Game: Taking decisions on foreign policy in a coalition government

The four groups from the day 1 go into political bargaining with each other. They try to pursue their goals on the different foreign political issues. But: The precondition is that coalition should not fail…

Presentation of the Coalition Agreements


13.00 hrs


14.00 hrs

Foreign Politics put into action: How does it work in small countries?

Visiting of the Georgian Parliament

Meeting with the Head of Foreign Affairs Committee

Visiting of the Georgian Foreign Ministry

Meeting with the Head of Analytical Department of the Ministry

18.00 hrs

Dinner in Tbilisi & Night out

23.00 hrs

Transfer back to Tskneti

Sunday, 25. April 2010

10.00 hrs

Foreign Politics put into action: Hard work of Diplomats

Christian Plate, First Secretary of the German Embassy Tbilisi, talks about his experiences and observations during the Kosovo-Negotiations during which he was the Kosovo Desk Officer at the German Foreign Office. Discussion about diplomatic negotiations and conflict resolution mechanisms.

Christian Plate

First Secretary, German Embassy Tbilisi

11.30 hrs

Coffee Break

11.45 hrs

Foreign Politics put into action: Hard work of Diplomats

Christian Plate, First Secretary of the German Embassy Tbilsi, talks about his experiences and observations during the Kosovo-Negotiations during which he was the Kosovo Desk Officer at the German Foreign Office. Discussion about diplomatic negotiations and conflict resolution mechanisms.

Christian Plate

First Secretary, German Embassy Tbilisi

13.00 hrs


14.30 hrs

Foreign Politics put into action: The EU-Observer Mission to Georgia

Visit to the EU-Observer-Mission in Georgia; Finding our about the aims and objectives; Finding out about the chances and limitations;

16.30 hrs

Transfer back to Tskneti

17.00 hrs

Summing up & Seminar Feedback

18.30 hrs

Farewell-Dinner & Party

Monday, 26.04.2010

10.00 hrs

Departure of participants to Armenia by bus

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      • გერმანიის საელჩოს კულტურის ატაშე

        Katja Christina Plate

        Katja Christina Plate

        Leiterin des Auslandsbüros Rumänien + 40 21 302 02 61
        15 მარტი, 2009
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