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განახლებადი ენერგიის გამოყენება: გამოწვევები და შანსები სამხრთ კავკასიისთვის


ადენაუერის ფონდი და REC Caucasus აწყობენ რეგიონულ კონფერენციას, სადაც საუბარი იქნება სამხრეთ კავკასიაში განახლებადი ენერგიის გამოყენებაზე. გერმანიის გარემოს დაცვის სამინისტროს წარმომადგენელი, იურგენ კაინჰოსტი ისაუბრებს გერმანიის გამოცდილებაზე.

Asset Publisher


Thursday, 01 March 2012




Opening and welcoming Remarks

Mr. Georgi Khavelashvily,

Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Georgia

Mr. Daniel Stepanyan,

Head of Renewable Energy Division, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Armenia

Mr. Djamil Malikov,

Deputy Director of Agency of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources, Ministry of Energy and Industry

of the Republic of Azerbaijan



Dr. Canan Atilgan

Konrad Adenauer Foundation Regional Programme South Caucasus

Keynote speech:

“Impacts of Renewables Promotion: Germany’s experience”

Mr Jürgen Keinhorst

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety

Malak Shukurova

Executive Director of the REC Caucasus


Coffee break


Plenary Session I

National Renewable Energy Policies of South Caucasus Countries

Country reviews by Representatives of Ministries

Hayk Badalyan,

Development Department-Energy Savings and Tech. Standards Division chief pecialist Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of Armenia

Mr. Djamil Malikov,

Deputy Director of Agency of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Mr. Martiros Carukyan,

Head of Atmosphere Air Policy Division, the Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia

Rovshan Kerimov,

Head of Ecology Department, State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR)

Marita Arabidze,

Chief Specialist of Department on Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources

of Georgia

Ruzanna Harutyunyan,

Small & Medium Entrepreneurship Development Department; Leading Specialist, Ministry of Economy of Armenia

Maharram Mehtiyev,

Head of Science and Technical Division, State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR)

Mr. Hamlet Melkonyan,

Ministry of Emergency Situation of Armenia

Gulmali Suleymanov,

Director of Ozone and Climate Change Centre, Ministry of Ecologyand Natural Resources of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Moderator: Rovshan Kerimov


Plenary Session II

Presentation of NGO sector

Coutry reviews

Mr Rafayel Mkhitaryan,

“Executive Director Third Nature”, The Republic of Armenia

Mr Khachik Sahakyan,

Chairman “Ferti” Benevolent Centre”, The Republic of Armenia

Mr. Sadiq Hasanov,

Chairman of the NGO of “For healthy life” Renewable Energy Potential in Azerbaijan,The Republic of Azerbaijan

Mr. Fikret Jafarov,

Chairmen NGO ”Sustainable Development Society”, The Republic of Azerbaijan

Mr. Chingiz Nazarov,

Eco Tes NGO, The Republic of Azerbaijan

Mr. Shamil Movsumov,

The center « Energy, Ecology, Economy», The Republic of Azerbaijan

Mr. Irshad Abbasov,

Eco-Renessans Public Union, Renewable Energy, The Republic of Azerbaijan

Ms Manana Dadiani,

Head of Renewable Energy Department, Energy Efficiency Centre Georgia

Mr Murman Margvelashvili,

Director of Energy Studies, World Experience for Georgia (WEG), Georgia

Moderator: Mr. Shamil Movsumov




Plenary Session III

Presentation of international organizations

Robert Kharazyan

PhD, UNDP-GEF “Armenia - Improving the Energy Efficiency of Municipal Heating and Hot Water Supply” Project

Vahram Jalalyan,

Task Leader “Improving Energy Efficiency in Buildings” UNDP-GEF

Mr. Faig Mammadov,

UNDP Azerbaijan Representative

Mr. David Managadze,

EBRD, Banker for Power & Energy sector, Georgia

Mr. Paata Janelidze,

Renewable Energy Project Manager, UNDP Georgia


Michel Jambou (EC Delegation to Georgia, tbc)


Plenary Session IV

Presentations of science sector


Mr. Arsen Karapetyan,

Executive Director “Development Solutions Institute” Foundation of the Republic of Armenia

Mr. Muslim Gurbanov,

Head of Laboratory - Institute of Radiation Problems, National Academy of Science of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Mr. Levan Kobakhidze,

Project Manager Sustainable Energy Center - Sun House, Georgia

Moderator Mr. Arsen Karapetyan


Coffee break

17:00 – 18:00

Plenary Session V

Presentations of business sector

Country reviews:

Pr. Grigor Gabayan,

President, LTD Hydroenergetica, “Small-scale hydropower as the most important scope of Renewable Energy”, The Republic of Armenia

Mr. Maharram Mehtiev,

Head on Science and Technical Division of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR)

Mr. Zaal Kheladze,

Director “Wood Service” Georgia

Moderator: Mr. Rovshan Karimov



Friday, 02 March 2012

09:30 – 11:00

Session VI: Working groups

Dialogue on Utilization of Renewable Energy

1.Power quality issues, challenges and solutions in renewable energy systems in south Caucasus

Moderator: Mr. Fikret Jafarov

2.Economic analysis, policies and incentive

Moderator: Mr. Vahram Jalalyan

3.Renewable Energy Systems Management, Financing Mechanisms and Cooperation at Regional Level

Moderator: Mr. Paata Janelidze


Coffee break


Plenary Session VII

Common Problems in the Region and Potential Ways of Resolving

Reports from parallel discussions

Mr. Fikret Jafarov

Mr. Vahram Jalalyan

Mr. Paata Janelidze

Moderator: Ms. Malak Shukurova


Closing the conference



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Dr. Canan Atilgan

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