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Book Launch: Pioneers, Rebels and a few Villains – 150 Years of Journalism in Eastern Africa

The publication pays tribute to the important role that journalism played and still plays in the region.

In 13 chapters the authors look at the role of Asian journalists in East Africa, and the important part that photo journalism and cartoonists play.

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Book Launch - Q&A

In Nairobi and in the presence of Editor Charles Onyango-Obbo and more than 40 invited guests, KAS Media Africa launched its book on 150 Years of Journalism in Eastern Africa.

In 13 chapters the authors look at the role of Asian Journalists in East Africa, the important part that photo journalism and cartoonists play. Onyango-Obbo declared at the festive launch at the Trademark Hotel that this book should be inspiration to young authors. Meanwhile Christoph Plate, director of KAS Media Africa said, “Pioneers, Rebels and a few Villains” was intended to be solid and something that can be referred to even in another ten years. First and foremost it pays tribute to the important role that journalism played and still plays in the region.

The book is available at good bookstores or as a PDF online:

Pioneers, Rebels, and a few Villains - 150 Years of Journalism in Eastern Africa

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Christoph Plate

Christoph Plate bild

Leiter des Medienprogramms Südosteuropa +359 2 942-4971 +359 2 94249-79


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