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Political thought in civil society

Political Thought has thus thoughtfully accompanied Macedonia (and its neighboring region)on the long and ever complicated process of democratic transformation and Europeanisation. This is the very reason that we have chosen a topic for this anniversary issue that has been central to all previous editions of Political Thought throughout these seven years, but never exclusively dealt with, a topic that represents the very foundation of every democratic regime: civil society.

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Civil society symbolizes the legitimate basis for every modern democratic state, but it is

also a sphere of public discourse and citizen association through which the common interest of the people is being channeled and articulated through a democratic, open and dynamic processes of exchange of ideas and platforms. Civil society is the biggest, if not the only defense against despotism and tyranny on a global scale.It deserves its place in the jubilee edition of Political Thought mostly because of its functional uniqueness to serve as a constant correctional mechanism of the state authority: to be a constant promoter of new and innovative solutions to social and political challenges, but also because of the potential that it nurtures in bringing people and ideas together.

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