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Kosovo-Einigung von KFOR und Serbien für Priština nicht akzeptabel

Die Regierung des Kosovos hat einen Vorschlag der NATO-KFOR-Truppen und Serbiens zur Beilegung des Grenzkonflikts als inakzeptabel zurückgewiesen. Der Deutsche KFOR-Kommandeur Bühler kritisiert die rechtsstaatliche Lage im Kosovo scharf und konstatiert kriminelle Strukturen.

Mazedonien hat eine neue Regierung

Nikola Gruevski (VMRO-DMPNE) führt erneut die Regierungskoalition an

Sechs Wochen nach den vorgezogenen Parlamentsneuwahlen vom 05. Juni 2011 in Mazedonien, die angesetzt wurden weil die sozialdemokratische Opposition über weite Strecken das Parlament boykottiert hatte, hat das Land eine neue Regierung, an der erstmals sieben Minister aus der Partei des albanischen Koalitionspartners DUI beteiligt sind.

Krise im Norden des Kosovo

Nach der Entscheidung der Regierung des Kosovos die Souveränität des Landes auch im von serbischen Minderheiten bewohnten Norden (Mitrovica und Umgebung) durchzusetzen, fachte in der letzten Woche der Konflikt zwischen dem Kosovo und Serbien erneut auf. Die Auseinandersetzungen entzündeten sich an zwei Grenzübergängen nach Serbien. Vordergründig geht es um Zollfragen. Der Gewaltausbruch stellt wieder einmal einen herben Rückschlag im Verhältnis beider Länder dar, das durch die jüngsten Dialoge zaghafte Annäherungen vermuten ließ.

Ethnic, Social and Gender Equality

On the occasion of 10 years after the Signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement

The Ohrid Framework Agreement (OFA), that served as a direct inspiration for this issue of “Political thought”, only partially answers the required social equilibrium of equality, not regulating gender, social or other forms of equality, which was not OFA’s specific goal. However, in order to make a full blueprint of the state of equality, all spheres where fight for equality exists, have to be considered. The texts in this edition try to reflect the state of affairs apropos the ethnic, gender and social equality that have in the political history of modern Europe followed one another.

Mazedonien hat demokratisch gewählt

Regierungskoalition von Nikola Gruevski (VMRO-DMPNE) bestätigt

Bei den vorgezogenen Parlamentsneuwahlen in Mazedonien konnte sich das Koalitionsbündnis von Ministerpräsident Nikola Gruevski (VMRO-DPMNE-Innere Makedonische Revolutionäre Organisation-Demokratische Partei der nationalen Einheit Makedoniens) durchsetzen.

The Challenges of Education Policy

No modern and democratic society which strives to respond to the present and future challenges shoned not neglect the wider social, political and economic role of education. In regard to the persisting relevance of this subject matter, this issue of Political Thought is dedicated to the challenges of education policy which has had its own dynamics in the process of the implementation of national agendas for a high-quality and European-oriented education.

Tolerance, dialogue, cooperation! Promoting inter-religious dialogue in Macedonia

News reporting on religious issues

On 17 March 2011 in Skopje the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” held the first training for journalists on the topic “News reporting on religious issues”. The training was organized within the project “Tolerance, dialogue, cooperation! Promoting inter-religious dialogue in Macedonia through capacity building for media and religious representatives”, funded by the European Union and co-funded by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

Introduction and guide to the EU-Lisbon Treaty

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, in cooperation with the Secretariat for European Affairs, translated and edited the EU-Lisbon treaty into Macedonian, making it for the first time accessible and comprehensive to every citizen in this country. Along with the treaty we are publishing an introduction and guide to the text in order to make the importance and individual changes in EU legislation better understood.

Macedonian edition of the EU-Lisbon treaty

The Lisbon Treaty officially entered into force in December 2009 after a difficult ratification process. During its initial signing in 2007, the President of the European Commission J.M.Barroso stated that with this Treaty "in this old continent, a new Europe is born", endorsing the Treaty's reformative character. As a candidate country aspiring for European Union membership, this reform treaty is of great importance to Macedonia. KAS in cooperation with the Secretariat for EU-Affairs translated and edited the Treaty into Macedonian, making it accessible and comprehensiveto to every citizen

Political Thought

Challenges in Implementing the Rule of Law in Macedonia and the Region

The 32nd issue of Political Thought is fully dedicated toone of the most relevant legal and political themes at the moment and that is the rule of law. The issue includes articles which deal with this subject matter from a theoretical point of view, as well as a number of specific accounts of the challenges generated by the ruleof law in the local, regional and even wider context.