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Báo cáo chính trị tóm lược của VPĐD KAS ở nước ngoài



Unionsstaat „Bela-Russland“? Vereinigung vertagt

Strukturell verschiedene Interessen: Trotz enger Partnerschaft vorerst keine vertiefte Integration von Russland und Belarus

Der 8. Dezember 2019 war mit Anspannung erwartet worden, da an diesem Tag anlässlich des zwanzigjährigen Bestehens des „Vertrags über die Schaffung des Unionsstaats“ zwischen der Republik Belarus und der Russischen Föderation beim Treffen der beiden Staatsoberhäupter die Integration beider Länder auf eine neue Stufe gehoben werden sollte. Seit Monaten hatten Arbeitsgruppen Roadmaps ausgearbeitet, die nun in Form eines Aktionsplans feierlich verabschiedet werden sollten. Doch trotz „deutlicher Fortschritte“ in den Verhandlungen kam es erneut zur Vertagung. Wenngleich zu einer Reihe der trennenden Fragen Kompromisse möglich sind, bleiben einige Interessenunterschiede grundsätzlich und eine Verschmelzung beider Länder in einem Superstaat scheint unwahrscheinlich.


Ernüchternder Neustart

Überschaubare Ergebnisse bei Normandie-Treffen in Paris

Die Staats- bzw. Regierungschefs von Deutschland, Frankreich, Russland und der Ukraine haben sich nach drei Jahren wieder im Normandie-Format getroffen – mit überschaubaren Ergebnissen. Auch innenpolitisch ist eine gewisse Ernüchterung nach einem hal-ben Jahr Amtszeit des neuen ukrainischen Präsidenten Selenskyj feststellbar.

Presidence du Benin / flickr / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Ein Präsident überholt sein Land

Die Lage in Benin bleibt angespannt: Wahldebakel, Handelskrieg und nun die Ausweisung des EU-Leiters

Die Ausweisung des deutschen Leiters der EU-Botschaft Oliver Nette vor knapp zwei Wochen ist nur das letzte Glied einer langen Kette von Ereignissen, welche Anlass zur kritischen Betrachtung der jüngsten Entwicklung des westafrikanischen Landes geben. Bereits die Parlamentswahlen im April 2019 markierten einen deutlichen Einschnitt in die demokratische Entwicklung des Landes seit den 1990er Jahren.

BLUE ECONOMY - "Global Best Practices Takeaways for India and Partner Nations"

- by FICCI & KAS

Comprehensive Study on Blue Economy dealing on exploitation and preservation of the marine environment

Rule of Law Handbook for Civil Society Organizations (in Burmese)

Through this book, we aim to explain to readers the current state of laws related to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Myanmar. The chapters are written in a non-technical language to not limit the sharing of knowledge to experts, but instead, to reach out to a wider audience as the final objective is to contribute to the development of an informed population in Myanmar who could participate in the discussions on the role of CSOs in their country.

Rule of Law Handbook for Environmental Law

This publication is part of our Rule of Law Handbooks series, and aims to inform a large audience about the international standards on environmental laws and Myanmar’s application of these. We hope to encourage more public participation on these issues in order for Myanmar’s sustainable development to be envisioned and carried out in an inclusive manner.

Rule of Law Handbook on Environmental Law (in Burmese)

This publication is part of our Rule of Law Handbooks series, and aims to inform a large audience about the international standards on environmental laws and Myanmar’s application of these. We hope to encourage more public participation on these issues in order for Myanmar’s sustainable development to be envisioned and carried out in an inclusive manner.

Rule of Law Handbook for Civil Society Organizations

Through this book, we aim to explain to readers the current state of laws related to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Myanmar. The chapters are written in a non-technical language to not limit the sharing of knowledge to experts, but instead, to reach out to a wider audience as the final objective is to contribute to the development of an informed population in Myanmar who could participate in the discussions on the role of CSOs in their country.

The Road Towards Cyber-Sovereignty Passes Through Africa


On November 18, UN Member States voted on a resolution led by Russia and China, paving the way towards a new global cybercrime treaty. The United States and its Western allies lost an opportunity to convince a majority of emerging and developing tech powers that multilateral, responsible governance can help them compete, boost, and build capacity for deploying converging cyber- and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. As developing countries line up behind China and Russia, the resulting normative alliance heralds the dawn of a new global order. Geopolitical dynamics will be shaped by multipolar competition over who, in cyberspace, owns and controls access to technological convergence – its intangible assets (datasets, source codes and tacit knowledge) and techniques, from AI, 5G, biotechnologies, to quantum computing. As cybercrime continues to rise, increasingly targeting critical infrastructure of high and low-income countries, a new form of geostrategic competition centers around imposing national Internet surveillance and control. Which governance model will ultimately prevail? The Sino-Russian model of cyber sovereignty and broad legal and normative definitions of cybercrime, or the Western model of shared, responsible governance and multilateral collaboration to close the global cyber-enforcement gap? Only time will tell, but the former is quickly gaining support from developing nations.

“Wahlen in Namibia – neue Akteure, kleine Überraschungen“

Oppositionspartei verdreifacht Stimmenanteil - „Business as usual“ nach den Parlaments- und Präsidentschaftswahlen?

Die seit der Unabhängigkeit Namibias durchregierende Befreiungsbewegung SWAPO hat erstmals ihre 2/3-Mehrheit verloren, die oppostionelle PDM hat ihr Ergebnis verdreifacht.

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Quỹ Konrad-Adenauer có văn phòng đại diện riêng tại gần 70 quốc gia trên năm châu lục. Các nhân viên nước ngoài tại chỗ có khả năng thông tin đầu tiên về các kết quả hiện tại và sự các tiến bộ lâu dài tại quốc gia hoạt động của họ. Trong phần „báo cáo quốc gia“, họ cung cấp cho người sử dụng trang web của quỹ Konrad-Adenauer những bản phân tích, các thông tin phía sau cùng các bài nhận định độc quyền.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.