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Asset Publisher

The majority of Israelis and of Palestinians support the two-state solution

Results of the Joint Israeli Palestinian Poll, December 2013

These are the results of the most recent joint Israeli Palestinian poll that gained the attention of U.S Secretary of State John Kerry. The poll was conducted jointly by the Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research in Ramallah. This joint survey was conducted with the support of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Jerusalem and Ramallah.

Newsletter, Ausgabe Dezember 2013

Kurs auf die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung

Am Ende eines ereignisreichen und in vieler Hinsicht erfolgreichen Jahres ziehen wir Bilanz und blicken nach vorn. Ganz oben auf unserer Agenda bleibt die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung als Ziel der laufenden israelisch-palästinensischen Friedensgespräche. Viel Spaß beim Lesen wünscht das Team der KAS Israel.

„So etwas haben wir noch nie erlebt“

Schneechaos in Jerusalem

Mit starken Schneefällen ab Donnerstag, den 12. Dezember 2013, hatten die Bewohner Jerusalems gerechnet, aber die enormen Mengen an Schnee, die seit den frühen Morgenstunden des 13. Dezember auf die Stadt herniedergingen, haben dann doch überrascht. In einigen Stadtteilen erreichten sie bis zu einem halben Meter Höhe. Heftige Sturmböen aus westlicher Richtung türmten innerhalb kurzer Zeit an einigen Stellen hohe Schneeverwehungen auf.

The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project

A New Online Publication by KAS Israel

Our new online publication “The Jewish Contribution to the European Integration Project” – co-produced by the Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society (CSEPS) at BGU and KAS Israel – collects edited talks which were given at an international workshop in Be’er Sheva on May 7th, 2013.

The Prospects of the Peace Negotiations

Five Questions - Five Answers with Dr. Ely Karmon

For our interview series “Five Questions - Five Answers”, Dr. Ely Karmon, Senior Research Scholar at The International Institute for Counter-Terrorism (ICT) and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and Strategy at The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya, Israel, elaborates on the prospects of the current Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations.

Muslim Minorities in Non-Muslim Majority Countries:

The Islamic movement in Israel as a Test Case

The publication “Muslim Minorities in Non-Muslim Majority Countries: The Islamic movement in Israel as a Test Case” has recently been released by the Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation at the Tel Aviv University. This collected volume was edited by Elie Rekhess and Arik Rudnitzky.

The regional implications of the establishment of a Palestinian state

The document was written by 15 researchers from Israel, the Palestinian Territories and Jordan. They come to the conclusion that a two-state solution will have a positive impact on the region, not least in terms of economic development and overall security. The project was initiated by the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Strategic Dialogue at Netanya Academic College and mainly financed by the EU in the framework of its „Partnership for Peace“ program. KAS Israel was involved as a co-financing partner.

Ancient City, Modern Challenges

After a challenging campaign, Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat wins a second term

On October 22, 2013, cities across Israel held their municipal elections. One of Israel's most diverse and most populated cities, Jerusalem, was of special interest in the public eye.

Neue Dimensionen des Terrors

Was geschieht mit den syrischen Chemiewaffen?

Vom 8. bis 11. September 2013 veranstaltete das International Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT), ein Partner der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel, seine jährliche Konferenz zum Thema „The Global Impact of Terrorism“. Die viertägige Konferenz bot hochqualifizierten Experten unterschiedlicher Disziplinen eine Plattform, um gemeinsam über die Prävention und Bekämpfung des modernen Terrorismus zu beraten.

Why Israel needs the two-state solution

Twenty Years after Oslo

Twenty years ago, on September 13th, 1993, the Oslo Accords between the government of Israel and the PLO were signed in Washington D.C. In light of this anniversary, KAS Israel asked Dr. Ron Pundak, one of the architects of the Oslo Accords, to explain why and how a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict serves Israel’s vital interests.