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Framing the Peril

This research, undertaken by KAS Media Africa research assistant Johannes Wolf, seeks to discover the major frames highlighted by opinion leaders featured in the East African media during the initial coronavirus period.

Cameroonian KAS Scholar writes about experience at South African newspaper Mail & Guardian

Amindeh Blaise Atabong is a Cameroonian print and multimedia freelance journalist who’s currently studying for a MA in International Journalism in Johannesburg as a KAS Media Fellow.

Mobile Journalism Manual now available in French

The Mobile Manual For Journalism, which was written by mojo expert Corinne Podger, is a result of the efforts of 15 journalists from Asia, Australia and Europe who came together to pool their knowledge on the different areas of mobile journalism.

Watchdog role: How Malawi media utilise question time during press briefings

In this paper, commissioned by KAS Media Africa in April 2020, Sharra, considers how the Malawian media utilised question time during political press briefings held since April 2019.

KAS scholar tells us about his experience writing for South African newspaper Mail & Guardian

Aanu Adeoye is a Nigerian journalist whose work has appeared on many esteemed publications and media, including CNN and Al-Jazeera. He is currently a Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Media Africa Scholar at Wits Journalism in Johannesburg and writes for the South African weekly publication Mail &Guardian and The Continent, the first African WhatsApp newspaper

The first WhatsApp newspaper for the African continent

An opportunity born out of a crisis with the help of the three KAS scholars in Johannesburg.


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Die Medien und die Coronakrise: ein Blick in die Welt

Faktengestützte und unabhängige Berichterstattung ist in Zeiten der Covid-19-Pandemie wichtiger denn je. Doch der Blick in die Welt zeigt, dass nicht jede Regierung das so sieht.

Coronavirus : African News Websites

The arrival of the coronavirus on the African Continent has caused a rise in demand for serious news. Here are some websites and Twitter accounts that separate fact from fiction and look beyond today’s crisis.

How African Economies Work: A Guide to Business and Economics Reporting

A Guide to Business and Economics Reporting

Le journalisme francophone en Afrique de l'Ouest

KAS Medias Afrique présente d'importantes personnalités des médias