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Expert talk

Shaping the Future of Multilateral Development Cooperation: A European Perspective

Expert Discussion with the Martens Centre for European Studies

This discussion with Dr. Peter Hefele, Policy Director at the Martens Centre for European Studies, presented and examined findings from their latest study on development policies from a centre-right European perspective.


Collaboration between Resident Coordinators and Employer Federations to Achieve the SDGs


On 16 July, on the margins of the High-Level Political Forum, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) New York and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) convened an event to share best practices and promote collaboration between UN Resident Coordinators and employer federations collaboration to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Expert talk

Innovation Horizon: Strengthening community-based primary healthcare in the digital age

Expert Discussion

On 11 June 2024, KAS New York held an expert discussion bringing together the diverse experience of the United Nations system, Member States, the private sector and civil society to discuss the nexus between community-based primary healthcare and science, technology and innovation.

Expert talk

Expert Discussion: LAC of multilateral leadership?

How the Latin American and Caribbean region engages in the multilateral system, its current challenges and its untapped opportunities

On 6 June 2024, Cepei and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) New York Office launched their latest policy brief examining how the LAC region engages in the multilateral system, its current challenges and its untapped leadership opportunities.


Workshop: Beyond the SIDS4 Conference

Partnerships for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure in the Pacific

Leading up to the SIDS4, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Fiji to the United Nations and the EU Delegation to the United Nations convened a workshop on 21 May 2024 to explore partnership opportunities and innovative solutions to enhance and maintain climate-resilient infrastructure in Pacific Island Countries.


KAS-IOE Launch of the Playbook 2.0: Creating Synergies Between UN Resident Coordinators & Employers

Private sector and United Nations Resident Coordinators Collaboration

On Monday, 29th January 2024, KAS and the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) jointly launched the Playbook 2.0 “Creating Synergies between UN Resident Coordinators and Employers for Sustainable Impact” on the sidelines of the 2024 ECOSOC Partnership Forum.


The Evolving Counter-Terrorism Cooperation and Global Governance Landscape

KAS Scholars Dialogue Program

KAS New York held a dialogue program from 9-11 October 2023 on the topic of international counter-terrorism cooperation for a group of 15 KAS Scholars. The program provided an opportunity for exchange between students, experts and policymakers on counter-terrorism policy and practice, leading to unique insights into current challenges and opportunities in the field.


Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Open Day 2021

„Politics and trust“

The work of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation: focusing on participation, representation, security, and innovation.


Under Duress: Multilateralism, Partnerships, and Strategic Alliances

Conversation followed by Q&A Session

If anything, the Covid-19 pandemic has underscored the common global challenges facing Europe and the United States that know no national or geographic boundaries. Global health concerns, climate change, arms control, an increasingly aggressive Russia, and domestic and international concerns regarding China are among the common challenges that require a joint approach. There is more urgency than ever to prevent a fracturing of the multilateral system.

Live stream

Surveillance and Information Disorder in Africa

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The Impact of Elected Members on the Security Council’s Agenda: Germany’s Sixth Tenure in 2019-2020

Panel Discussion Followed by Q&A Session

Every eight years, Germany aspires to become an elected member to the Security Council. The last two years have certainly been rich in expected but also unpredictable challenges. With nationalist and populist politics on the rise, multilateralism and international cooperation had to face obstructive policies and actions. With Ambassador Heusgen, who has represented Germany since 2017 in New York and who was the foreign policy advisor of Chancellor Angela Merkel for 13 years, the panellists assessed the last two years on the Council but discussed the impact elected members, the so-called E10, can have.

Virtual Side Event during the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

A Decade of Action on SDG Delivery: How to strengthen the partnership with the private sector?

The International Organisation of Employers (IOE), the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) and the Permanent Mission of Germany to the United Nations held a digital conference side event to the UN High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) on 16 July 2020 on how to foster partnerships, seek avenues for better collaboration and establish next steps in fulfilling the business community desire to ensure private sector engagement at local and global levels in achieving the UN Decade of Action and the SDGs.

Second IOE-KAS Workshop on UN Engagement with the Private Sector

Enhancing Cooperation between UN Resident Coordinators and Employer and Business Membership Organisations and Companies

The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) share a common mission of supporting a rules-based, social market economy and contributing through robust partnerships to the global goals set out in the 2030 Agenda. To this end, IOE and KAS joined forces to host a series of virtual conferences to explore opportunities for partnerships between United Nations Resident Coordinators (UNRCs) and IOE member organisations and their company affiliates with a view to enhancing cooperation for the delivery of the 2030 Agenda, as well as measures to address the socio-economic impact of COVID-19.

First IOE-KAS Workshop on UN Engagement with the Private Sector

Enhancing Cooperation between UN Resident Coordinators and Employer/Business Membership Organisations, and strengthening collective Action to address COVID-19 Impacts

The International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) Foundation share a common mission of supporting a rules-based, social market economy and contributing through robust partnerships to the global goals set out in the 2030 Agenda. To this end, IOE and KAS joined forces to host a virtual conference to explore opportunities for partnerships between United Nations Resident Coordinators (UNRCs) and IOE member organisations and their company affiliates with a view to enhancing cooperation for the delivery of the 2030 Agenda, as well as measures to address the socio-economic impact of COVID-19.

Human Rights and the Problem of Shrinking Civic Spaces in East Africa

From 13 – 16 January 2020 we welcomed a delegation of Human Rights Defenders from East Africa to New York for a dialogue program addressing the shrinking civic spaces in their countries. The six delegates, two each from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda met not only people from the UN Secretariat but also different UN organizations as well as representatives from Human Rights NGOs and religious organizations.

Strengthening the voice of Europe at the United Nations

New Year’s Reception and Exchange with Ambassador Olof Skoog, Head of Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations

Luncheon discussion with Dr. Gerd Müller and German nationals working for the United Nations

On September 24th, KAS New York office invited to a luncheon with Germany's Federal Minister for Economic Cooperation and Development, Dr. Gerd Müller, and German international servants working across different UN agencies. The occasion of Dr. Gerd Müller's stay in New York was the annual visit to the UN General Assembly and his participations in the SDG, Climate and Health Summits.

KAS pictures

Reception and dinner of the ‘Global Investors for Sustainable Development’ Alliance

On September 24th, KAS New York hosted a reception and dinner with the Strategy Group of the newly founded ‘Global Investors for Sustainable Development’ (GISD) Alliance. The group consisting of experts appointed by the CEOs of GISD members met in New York to develop a plan of action and to prepare the official launch of the GISD Alliance on October 16th.

The Afghan Peace Process

What Challenges Lie Ahead for an Afghan-owned, Afghan-led Solution?

The week before the UNAMA resolution was renewed, Dr. Ellinor Zeino, Head of KAS’ Office in Kabul, Afghanistan was in New York for a dialogue program with different UN agencies and permanent missions.

Data as Political Capital

What kind of Rules & Regulations do we need for a digitized Democracy

Digitization has completely altered the way our societies communicate and how political opinion-making is shaped. Foreign interference, online hate-speech, data leaks on social media platforms, fake-news have made it more important than ever to define a global rules-based system and code of conduct that sets a common standard and protects democracy.