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Asset Publisher

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mourns the loss of Helmut Kohl

On the death of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and former President of the European Parliament, Hans-Gert Pöttering, writes:

Christian Echle übernimmt Leitung des Regionalprogramms Politikdialog Singapur

Das Regionalprogramm Politikdialog Asien steht unter neuer Leitung: Seit 1. Juni 2017 ist Christian Echle, der zuvor das Medienprogramm Subsahara-Afrika mit Sitz in Johannesburg geleitet hatte, neuer Direktor.

Asia Pacific Contributions to International Cyber Stability

Both globally and regionally, major power rivalry, rising nationalism as well as challenges to the rule of law and international human rights obligations are making challenging to find common ground on state behaviour in cyberspace. Within the Asia region itself, states’ cultural and political values vary, including different conceptual understandings of world order and cybersecurity. In the absence of a global agreement for international cybersecurity, Caitríona Heinl examines the contribution of Asia Pacific states to a regime for international cyber stability, including implementation of norms of responsible state behaviour in cyberspace, CBMs and capacity building.

Redefining Parity at work in India

In India, three trends in employment relations driven in part by technology adoption and digitisation can be observed: a rise in contractual labour, an increase in platform and on-demand workers, and a rise in freelancing work. Terri Chapman discusses the contours of disruption and work in India, focusing on trends in employment relations. She outlines the dimensions of inequality that must be considered in the context of observed and expected workforce change in India.

Policy Paper No. 4 "Countering Violent Extremism and Terrorism in Asia and Europe"

Countering violent extremism and terrorism has been a top priority of governments in Asia and Europe for many years. Terrorist cells posed a severe threat to home security, even before the emergence of Daesh. However, as a consequence of Asian and European citizens joining Daesh, terrorists have been able to establish networks among fighters from both regions. It has thus become imperative that governments from Asia and Europe enhance their collaboration and coordination in all dimensions of counter-terrorism efforts.

Activities Report 2016

We are pleased to present you our activities of the year 2016. It provides an overview of the topics we worked on, our publications and the various dialogues we have organized in the year.


ASEM and Beyond

This book analyses ASEM’s future role in facilitating the connectivity of ideasand in enhancing cooperation in the non-traditional security and economicspheres as well as its potential impact on global governance. Related questionson existing institutional structures and the new world order are also analysedfrom both Asian and European perspectives. The articles also explores howAsia and Europe can strengthen their connections in times of rapid changesand seeming ambiguity.

Countering Daesh Extremism - European and Asian Responses

Panorama Insight Into Asian and European Affairs

Die Sonderausgabe von Panorama “Insights into Asian and European Affairs – Countering Daesh Extremism- Responses From Europe and Asia” wurde in Zusammenarbeit mit dem International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) der S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies an der Nanyang Technological University, Singapur, veröffentlicht.

Countering Daesh Extremism - European and Asian Responses

Panorama Insight Into Asian and European Affairs

We are pleased to present this special issue of Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs Countering Daesh Extremism - European and Asian Responses which has been published in collaboration with The International Centre for Political Violence and Terrorism Research (ICPVTR) at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Refugees and Migration in Asia and Europe

Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs

In this issue of our journal Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs,we present an analysis on the refugee crisis being faced in Asia and Europe. In 2015, the biggest refugee movements to Europe since the Second World War and the case of the boat refugees from Myanmar and Bangladesh has led to the biggest humanitarian crisis of recent times. A high number of refugees to Europe also originate from Asia or transit through the region. Thus, with this publication we try to contribute to the exchange between the two regions to address this crisis jointly.