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ASEAN and the US.Perspectives of Southeast Asia on Relations with the US since Donald Trump

Since the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency, US foreign relations with many countries and regions of the world have significantly altered. Examples of this include the escalating trade conflict with China and the marked departure from the policies of the Obama administration. This is despite the fact that the US under Trump recognizes the importance of Southeast Asia, especially regarding China. How have US relations with ASEAN developed since Trump, and how are US priorities shaping up in times of weakened multilateralism, impending arms races, and escalating tensions in ASEAN and its individual member states? The following is an illustration of the US’ ambivalent role in the region.


Happy Birthday, Internet! In 2019, we are celebrating the World Wide Web’s 30th anniversary. Growing from ARPANET, a decentralized network created by the Pentagon that was designed to withstand a nuclear attack, to its status as a global platform that connects billions of people and devices, the development of the Internet has long been guided by the United States. It is Asia, however, where the future of the Internet is most likely to be written. We have dedicated this issue of Panorama – Insights into Asian and European Affairs to addressing current developments in the area of digital policies, digital economy, and cyber security in Asia.

Promoting Prosperity and Providing Protection: Australia’s International Cyber Engagement Strategy

Australia's International Cyber Engagement Strategy reflects the role that digital networks increasingly play in the country's international relations, trade and investment, as well as security and strategic concerns. This is partly a response to current developments and partly a consequence of persistent geo-strategic realities, Damien Spry discusses the Strategy, its priorities and progress to date, with an emphasis on cyber security, governance and cooperation, and human rights and democracy online.

Digital Asia

Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs

Happy Birthday, Internet! In 2019, we are celebrating the World Wide Web’s 30th anniversary. Growing from ARPANET, a decentralized network created by the Pentagon that was designed to withstand a nuclear attack, to its status as a global platform that connects billions of people and devices, the development of the Internet has long been guided by the United States. US companies developed the first personal computers, smartphones and social networks that we use to communicate as well as the routers and servers that carry the world’s data. It is Asia, however, where the future of the Internet is most likely to be written. Already today, China and India have highest number of internet users in the world. “The next billion users” are mainly Asian. Concurrently, Asian companies are making their way onto list of top technology companies. We have dedicated this issue of Panorama – Insights into Asian and European Affairs to addressing current developments in the area of digital policies, digital economy, and cyber security in Asia. Where does Europa come into play? Read on!

Is Europe’s Future in Asia?

The Asia-Europe Meeting as an Instrument of the Rules-Based Multilateral Order

The world order as we have known it for decades is in turmoil. Countries in Europe and Asia in particular have been profiting from the rules-based multilateral order which provided them with security and allowed them to prosper. Therefore, they are strongly affected by the current volatility. Instead of relying on other powers, countries in both regions should work together and proactively shape the future of multilateralism through the Asia-Europe Meeting.

The 33rd ASEAN Summit - A Review

It is difficult these days to go about one’s daily business in the popular shopping area around Singapore's Suntec City Convention Centre. The cause of the congestion is the second summit of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2018, together with a number of additional meetings with selected external partners ASEAN traditionally hosts in the margins of this biannual summit. The most important among the additional meetings being held this year is the East Asia Summit (EAS). Incidentally, it was in the same building, Suntec City Convention Centre, where members of the newly formed World Trade Organization came together for the first time in 1996 - just months before the region entered the biggest economic crisis in its history.

Building a Nation, Building a People

Public Housing in Singapore as a Holistic, Multi-Dimensional Public Policy Construct

No single policy issue is as indicative of Singapore’s success and its social, cultural, and political DNA as its public housing. In a few decades, the city-state has transformed from a slum-invested port town into one of the world’s most developed nations. One cannot understand Singapore if one does not understand Singaporean public housing.

© Nalin Hewapathirana / Mahinda Rajapaksa / flickr / CC BY-NC 2.0

Regierungskrise in Sri Lanka

Am 26. Oktober 2018 zog der srilankische Präsident Maithripala Sirisena seine United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) aus der Koalitionsregierung mit der United National Party (UNP) zurück, entließ Premierminister Ranil Wickramasinghe (UNP) und berief an seiner Stelle den ehemaligen Präsidenten Mahinda Rajapaksa zum neuen Premierminister Sri Lankas. Es handelt sich dabei um das jüngste Kapitel in einer Geschichte wechselnder Allianzen zwischen den drei Männern, die seit Jahren die Politik in Sri Lanka maßgeblich mitgestalten. Eine überwiegende Anzahl von Verfassungsexperten innerhalb und außerhalb des Landes hält den Machtwechsel allerdings für nicht verfassungskonform, da er ohne Einbeziehung des Parlaments vollzogen wurde.

Combatting Violent Extremism and Terrorism in Asia and Europe

From Cooperation to Collaboration

KAS and RSIS have just released their latest joint book publication "Combating Violent Extremism and Terrorism in Asia and Europe - From Cooperation to Collaboration".

Energy Security in a Digitalized World and its Geostrategic Implications

Study by Frank Umbach, EUCERS/RSIS

Global energy systems are currently undergoing tremendous and multifold challenges. This ‘energy transition’ towards a non-fossil fuel energy system can be best described along three, mutually reinforcing strategic trends: decarbonization, digitalisation and decentralisation. Digitalisation has manifold impacts on energy suppliers, distributors and consumers as it provides opportunities for efficiency and sustainability, but also bears security threats. This study by Dr. Frank Umbach provides a comprehensive view on the impacts of digitalisation on the global energy system.