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Asset Publisher

Europe - Surging Forward

Has Europe failed? If one reads some of the critical comments of recent years, this impression may actually arise. Does all this together mean that the project of ever closer European Union is unrealistic, and that EU member states should instead rely more on national forces again and seek to step away from integration into common European structures and institutions? For this issue of Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs, we have asked authors from different European countries to analyze the European integration and the European Union from their points of view.

Trafficking in Human Beings

Learning from Asian and European Experiences

Europe and Asia are closely linked on the issue of human trafficking.A large number of Asian nationals are being trafficked and smuggled to Europe towork in the sex industry, as berry pickers or in labour-intensive industries. In this context, closer cooperation between Europe and Asia is desirable. In order to contribute to the understanding of the current developments and initiativeson trafficking in human beings, this publication includes papers with perspectives fromEurope and Asia. What are the current trends? What strategies do countries apply? How can they cooperate?

More than a game: Sports, Society and Politics

In this edition of the Panorama, we explore the relationship between sports and politics and the impact it has on societies globally. Although the adage says that sports and politics do not mix, sports is actually more than just a game. Sports and sporting events serve a wide variety of political purposes, ranging from a supposed symbol for peace to a staging ground for rivalries at the local, regional, national and international levels.

Eco Cities

Sharing European and Asian Best Practices and Experiences

To facilitate the move from “theory to practice”, the purpose of this book is to share theexperiences and expertise of both Europe and Asia in building eco-cities.

Food Security

The Role of Asia and Europe in Production, Trade and Regionalism

In order to contribute to the understanding of current challenges and implemented solutions,this publication includes papers with perspectives from Europe and Asia. What arethe food policies as well as present challenges in the countries? What can they learn fromeach other? How do they try to ensure a stable food supply? What impacts do trade, regionalinitiatives and technology transfer have on food security? These and other questions will beaddressed by this publication.

Climate Change Diplomacy

The Way Forward for Asia and Europe

Although the problematic consequences of climate change are undeniable, internationalnegotiations are characterized by strategies which are still primarily driven by national interests.How can this attitude be changed? How can agreements and commitments be achievedin international negotiations? While much research has been done on the causes and impactsof climate change, there is a lack of discussion on the way that international climate changediplomacy has been carried out. This gap shall be addressed in our publication.

Migration and Integration

Common Challenges and Responses from Europe and Asia

Both Asia and Europe are facing common problems in terms of demographic change, the need to rebound from the economic crises and worries about their attractiveness in light of projected needs for legal migration. Some in Europe are even expressing concerns that the EU is losing ground in the “global war for talent”. This makes legal migration both a battleground for the best and brightest, but also an opportunity to go beyond continental solutions to migration and foster genuine cooperation so that both continents can reap the rewards.

Maritime Security and Piracy

The Common Challanges and Responses from Europe and Asia

Over the past decade, security of the oceans has evolved into one of the key challenges tointernational security in Asia. While some of the threats to maritime security are not presentin Europe geographically and are not as severe as they are in Asia, security of the oceans is ofutmost concern to the European Union and the countries in the region.

Myanmar in Transition: Polity, People & Processes

Panorama-Insights into Asian and European Affairs

This issue of “Panorama – Insights into Asian and European Affairs” analyses the focal areas of Myanmar's political transition - institution-building, principal actors and long-term processes that will hopefully lead toward a democratic, federal state

Parliaments in Asia

Institution Building and Political Development

This book examines the role that parliaments - a key institution of democracy - play in East, Southeast and South Asia including Taiwan and Hong Kong.