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Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP): 2nd Training Workshop for Batch (10) 2019-2020

Local Governance and Development

The second training workshop of the KASYP programme aims to provide participants with tools and knowledge to create effective democratic governance in societies facilitated by political parties. Topics for this training include decentralisation, local politics and governance, community-driven development, and constituency engagement. The programme will also facilitate visits to public institutions and dialogue with local leaders.

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KASYP 10.2 Teaser

"Think globally, act locally" mantra applies to politics too! Young and future political leaders should have a better understanding and appreciation of the interconnectedness between local and global affairs. In this volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world, we need leaders who are effective in governing their constituencies and, at the same time, manage the effects of international shocks.

To equip these future political leaders, this second training will cover topics such as the regional state of local governance and development, localising the sustainable development goals (SDGs), strategising local economies for green jobs, challenges of decentralisation, and addressing disaster governance. Lastly, the programme will also facilitate cross-learning through dialogue with local political leaders and exchange ideas on how to effectively govern their communities.

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Rey Padit

Rey Padit

Programme Manager, Political Cooperation +65 6603 6161

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