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Event Reports


Freiheit und Demokratie fördern in einer multipolaren Welt

Mitarbeiterkonferenz Afrika und Naher Osten der KAS in Arusha/Tansania

Eröffnet durch Dr. Hans-Gert Pöttering, Vorsitzender der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, fand vom 1. bis 7. September 2013 die Mitarbeiterkonferenz aller Leiter der Auslandbüros der Stiftung in Afrika und im Nahen Osten statt. Neben Gesprächen mit hochrangigen Vertretern von BMZ und GIZ standen die Themen „Politischer Islam“, sicherheitspolitische Fragen, „Rohstoffökonomien, Entwicklung und Demokratie“ sowie das Verhältnis zu den politischen Partnern der KAS im Mittelpunkt der Tagung in der tansanischen Stadt Arusha, dem Sitz der East African Community.

Beyond Rhetoric?

Sharaka hosts lecture series on EU foreign policy

The EU funded Sharaka project held its second series of lectures in Kuwait, the UAE and Bahrain from 15 to 17 April 2013. This time, the lecture aimed at providing information about the EU, its institutions and policies in the Mediterranean. Dr Nathalie Tocci, deputy director of the Italian research centre Istituto Affairi Internazionali (IAI), dealt with EU foreign policies in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region in the aftermath of the transformations. At each stop, her lecture was followed by remarks of a local counterpart before the discussion was opened for the audience.

“What do they think about us?”

Sharaka Workshop on Enhancing Understanding and Cooperation in Media and Higher Education

The workshop “Dialogue on Opportunities for Enhancing Understanding and Cooperation in Media and Communications in Higher Education and Scientific Research in EU–GCC relations” took place 26 March 2013 in Muscat, Oman. After the presentation of two research papers, the attendants participated in a feedback session. The following focus groups discussed ways to strengthen the cooperation in Higher Education as well as in Media and Communication. The workshop was attended by diplomats and policy-makers from both the GCC and the EU along with scientists from various research institutions.

State Secretary Dr Ralf Brauksiepe visits Muscat for high-level Talks

Meetings with Ministry of Manpower and Omani MPs strengthen German-Omani friendship

Dr Ralf Brauksiepe, Parliamentary Secretary to the German Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, visited the Omani capital last weekend. Main focus of the visit was put on labour market policy issues. After a meeting at the Ministry of Manpower, a lecture and a discussion session with members of the State and Shura Council were held. An exchange with Omani civil society representatives contributed to enhancing German-Omani relations.

Einordnung und Analyse der Klimakonferenz in Doha (Katar)

Schon im Vorfeld der internationalen Klimaverhandlungen in Doha/Katar erschienen - fasst schon in guter jährlicher Manier – wieder eine Vielzahl von Studien, die die bedrohlichen Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandel deutlich aufzeigen. Im Kern ging es dieses Mal vor allem um die Diskussion zur Einhaltung des 2-Grad-Zieles. Damit soll verhindert werden, dass sich die globale Erderwärmung um mehr als 2 Grad im Vergleich zum Niveau vor der Industrialisierung erhöht.

Awards for civic engagement in the Gulf Region

KAS partner TAWASUL bestows 4th Civil Society Leaders Awards

In the presence of high-ranking representatives of the civil society as well as the public and private sectors, the fourth annual ceremony of the Civil Society Leaders Awards took place on 11 December, 2012. The event was organised by the renowned, independent Omani Think Tank Tawasul, in cooperation with the KAS Regional Programme Gulf States.

Besuch omanischer Abgeordneter in der Bundeshauptstadt

Eine Delegation von omanischen Würdenträgern aus dem Staatsrat und dem Schura-Rat hat in der vierten Novemberwoche Berlin besucht, um Gespräche mit deutschen Experten aus Politik und Wirtschaft zu führen.

GCC Think Tanks gather in Salalah to discuss their Impact in Societal Development

Tawasul hosts second regional Think Tank Dialogue (“AFKAR2”) in cooperation with KAS Regional Programme Gulf States

Think Tanks from all GCC states gathered in Salalah on July 7 for the second time to discuss their role within the region’s societies. AFKAR2 is the continuation of last year’s event, which was the first of its kind in the Gulf region. The dialogue is a one-day seminar which aims at strengthening the effectiveness and impact of research institutes. Its objective is to extend the existing framework of action and the level of cooperation among Think Tanks and with the various stakeholders.

EU project launched in Rome

SHARAKA – Enhancing Understanding and Cooperation in EU-GCC Relations

KAS Regional Programme Gulf States partners with European and Gulf organisations and research centres to implement activities in both regions

First Journalism Training Course in Oman a Raving Success

KAS Regional Programme Gulf States exports Journalism Training to additional GCC countries

The KAS Regional Programme Gulf States, the Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) Oman and the Oman Journalist Association successfully completed their first joint journalism training course. The week-long introductory course which was led by JONA-alumni Anne Allmeling and Abdullah Al-Maani from the SQU offered 16 Omani journalism students (14 women) the opportunity to gain first experience in the work of a journalist. The seminar marked the first step in KAS’ efforts to expand its training activities beyond the borders of the UAE to other countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

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About this series

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.