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Interested applicants are invited to fill the application form and submit it by 15 September, 2017.

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Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) is a political foundation associated with the basic principles of freedom, justice and solidarity. In its European and international cooperation efforts, KAS works for people to be able to live self-determined lives in freedom and dignity.

We encourage people to lend a hand in shaping the future along these lines. With more than 70 offices abroad and projects in over 120 countries, we make a unique contribution to the promotion of democracy, the rule of law and a social market economy. To foster peace and freedom we encourage a continuous dialog at the national and international levels as well as the exchange between cultures and religions.

The country programme Lebanon supports projects independently as well as in cooperation with the Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa, and also focuses on the current situation in Syria as well as on its repercussions in Lebanon. The work emphasis is on democracy and the rule of law, civil society, social market economy, intercultural dialogue, prevention of conflict and Euro-Mediterranean relations, as well as the interreligious and cultural dialogue in Lebanon.

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation works together with a multitude of local partner organizations. Amongst these are Universities and scientific institutions, Think Tanks, civil society associations, and organizations of the private sector as well as governmental institutions and parties.

The country programme Lebanon engages in several activities for its mission and aims. These activities take the form of conferences, seminars, workshops, and forums for dialogue to debates or round tables. Further, it issues publications and studies and engages with policy makers.

The main objectives of the Lebanon programme are:

  • Objective 1: Senior party officials within the moderate political parties acknowledge the principles of democracy and pluralism as pillars of a stable party system.
  • Objective 2: Civil society organizations develop, in collaboration with religious communities and academic institutions, concepts for conflict prevention and peaceful coexistence.
  • Objective 3: The regulatory concept of Social Market Economy is discussed among economic and political actors and decision-makers, and is part of the public debate.

How to Apply:

The proposed measure should fit within the general requirements and objectives of the respective programme. To apply, the applicant organization should fill in the following templates (found on the right sidebar) and send it to KAS email:

  • Project Proposal Form

* Organizational Profile Form

Complete applications must include the application form (Project Proposal Form) with the supported document (Organizational Profile Form) and should be sent the latest by September 15, 2017. Incomplete files will unfortunately not be considered. Late applications may be reviewed for 2019 projects.

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