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The New Competences of the Administrative Judge

Workshop on the legal framework of local authorities and the powers of the administrative court

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At the occasion of the first anniversary of the regional first instance administrative chamber courts in Tunisia, the Rule of Law Programme Middle East / North Africa of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in cooperation with the Administrative Tribunal of Tunisia is organizing a two day workshop, on April 1 and 2, 2019. This year’s focus will be on the newly regulated “Local authorities and the powers of the administrative court”. The workshop, that will be held in Hammamet, Tunisia, will give a forum for discussion to judges of the regional first instance chamber courts, judges, judges of higher instances, representatives of local authorities, lawyers, professors, governors, and members the Judicial Superior Council and other senior officials.

In order to promote the administrative justice system and support its development, this meeting of experts and stakeholders is following three previous events that promoted the exchange of expertise and practical experience with peer administrative judges from other countries (e.g. France, Germany and Lebanon).

The workshop will serve as a round table to continue the exchange of expertise established in 2017 and 2018 to support the new Tunisian judges of regional administrative chambers of first instance. The themes will be addressed from a comparative perspective dealing with key topics concerning the role and competences of the administrative judiciary in relation to the newly established “collectivités locales”. The Tunisian chamber court presidents will team-up with their counterparts from Germany, France and Lebanon and will jointly carry out the sessions linking up the discussion with debates and developments in Europe and the MENA region.

A site visit to the regional first instance administrative chamber court of Nabeul will follow the working sessions for deepening the understanding of the court system and to follow the latest developments, practical challenges.

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Hammamet - Tunisia


Dr. jur. Anja Schoeller-Schletter

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