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Reuters/ Jose Luis Gonzalez

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2022 International Migration Review Forum: Tracking Progress on the Global Compact for Migration

з Teresa Val

Have the commitments set out in the Global Compact for Migration catalyzed tangible action towards safe, orderly, and regular migration?

In May 2022, UN member states and stakeholders convened for the first-ever International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) to assess progress on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Global Compact for Migration or GCM) and develop further concrete, actionable recommendations for its implementation. Given the complex nature of international migration, adopting a common approach to international migration governance is no easy feat, and recent crises and ongoing phenomena—in particular, the COVID-19 pandemic and ever-worsening climate change — only further complicated the conditions and contexts for migration. While the challenges to facilitate safe, orderly, and regular migration might be many, so too are the opportunities. As emphasized throughout the forum’s proceedings, there is both a collective will and intent to improve cooperation on international migration.

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Teresa Val

Teresa Val KAS

Programmmanagerin +1 646 649 3144


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Foundation Office New York

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