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Public Service Delivery Practices in Southeast Asia

The Partnership for Democratic Local Governance in Southeast Asia (DELGOSEA) marks the end of its event in Singapore. The meeting focused on the topic, “Public Service Delivery Practices in Southeast Asia.”

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The group visited the Housing and Development Board Livingspace Gallery on the first day and learned how the transformation of government’s housing project developed from the 1960s to the present, and the initiatives for the future.

The second day witnessed the exchange of good practices on public service delivery in Southeast Asia. The day started with presentations from Hon. Sarah Lugerna Lipumano Garcia, the Officer-in-Charge and Acting Mayor of Olongapo City, Philippines, and Mr. Hock Yun Khoong, Senior Adviser at Tembusu Partners. It was followed by presentations of good practices from the members of the DELGOSEA. Culminating the event, an internal discussion was called to identify the network’s future in the years ahead.


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Auslandsbüro Philippinen

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Фонд імя Конрада Адэнаўэра, а таксама яго адукацыйныя установы, цэнтры падрыхтоўкі й замежныя прадстаўніцтвы штогод прапануюць тысячы мерапрыемстваў па разнастайных тэмах. Аб асобных найбольш важных канферэнцыях, падзеях і сімпозіумах мы даем аператыўную і эксклюзіўную інфармацыю на сайце Тут, побач з абагульняючымі рэзюмэ зместу, можна знайсці дадатковыя матэрыялы, такія як графікі і выявы, рукапісы прамоў, відэа- і аўдыёзапісы.

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