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The Struggle for a Life in Dignity

от David Labude, Franziska Amler

A Decade after the Arab Spring: What’s left of the historic movement?

The self-immolation of the Tunisian greengrocer Mohamed Bouazizi on December 17, ten years ago, triggered a wave of protests across the Arab world. Suddenly change seemed within reach to transform authoritarian regimens in the Middle East and North Africa into democracies. But only Tunisia experienced a democratic transition. For countries like Syria, a decade of "Arab Spring" also means a decade of war. So what is left of the demands for freedom of expression, democracy and equality today?

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David Labude

David Labude

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter

david.labude@kas.de +961 1 388 061/62 +961 1 388 064


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Foundation Office Iraq

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