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„A Seat at the Table“ (Episode 3)

Women & The Electoral System in Lebanon - Houda Osta Asas

Welcome to the third episode of A Seat At The Table with Houda Osta Asas, electioneering and IT expert with over 30 years of experience in the field of sustainable development, local governance, and human empowerment. Houda Osta Asas is a political activist and a resigned member of the Municipality Council of Beirut, founder and CEO of the Pulse Public Affairs Consultancy Company and of Wings which is a wellbeing community space and president of Beirut Opia, an NGO advocating for governance and women and youth empowerment.

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In this episode, we discuss the electoral system in Lebanon with a special lens on women. Houda Osta Asas, Lara Nina Shabb, and Hamad Elias delve deep into the following topics:

  1. Who is Hoda Osta Asas?
  2. The inspiration of Hoda Osta's Asas career path
  3. How to impose new patterns and break stereotypes?
  4. The power of Emotional Intelligence
  5. What would you tell women who are trying to make a difference?
  6. Women should have a seat at the political table
  7. The change movement in Lebanon has begun
  8. It's the era of women empowerment
  9. How can one prepare for change through elections?
  10. Grab the seat at the table because no one will give it to you


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Cyrine Farhat Shour

Cyrine Farhat Shour

Projektkoordinatorin +961 1 388061/62 +961 1 388 064


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Foundation Office Iraq

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