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Online simulation game ‘We are Europe!’

This weekend the participants of the Baltic Sea Region Young Leaders Academy took part in a two-day online simulation game ‘We are Europe!’. They discussed about the integration opportunities of the EU’s Eastern neighbors and improved their knowledge about the EU. The online simulation game exceeded the participants expectations, as they shared in their feedback.

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This weekend the participants of the Baltic Sea Region Young Leaders Academy took part in a two-day online simulation game ‘We are Europe!’.

The Baltic Sea Region Young Leaders Academy is organized by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Baltic States and the Latvian Transatlantic Organisation. We would also like to thank CIVIC - Institute for International Education for hosting the simulation game! 

The participants of the simulation game were given specific roles of the institutions they represent (e.g. European Parliament). Together they discussed about the integration opportunities of the EU’s Eastern neighbors.

The online simulation game exceeded the participants expectations, as they shared in their feedback. Furthermore, the participants improved their debating skills and knowledge about the European Union.


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o této sérii

Nadace Konrada Adenauera, její vzdělávací workshopy, vzdělávací centra a zahraniční kanceláře nabízejí ročně několik tisíc akcí na různá témata. O vybraných konferencích, akcích, sympóziích atd. informujeme aktuálně a exkluzivně pro vás na Zde naleznete kromě obsahového souhrnu i další materiály jako jsou obrázky, texty přednášek, video nebo audiosestřihy.

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