

"The curse of ressources and challenges for state capacity building in the conflict prone Great Lakes Region"

What role international and national actors could and should play

Arbeitssprache: Englisch.Die Konferenz wird gemeinsam mit der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung organisiert.




The Great Lakes region is associated with fragile state paradigms, ongoing conflicts with ethnic connotations and involvement of armed groups from neighbouring countries. The conference seeks to assess against the conflict structures to what extent international, national as well as bilateral initiatives contribute towards the establishment of peace and stability or what else might be needed in order to enhance the capacity of the states in the region to fulfil their basic functions. Are we doing enough? Do we do the right thing?

Conference language: English


Monday, 5 October

14.00 h Welcome notes

Eyke Peveling, Deputy Head of the Representation of Baden-Württemberg to the EU

Christian J. Hegemer, Director of the Institute for International Contact and Cooperation, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung

Frank Spengler, Deputy Director of International Cooperation, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

14.30 h Keynote speech:

Roeland van de Geer, European Union Special Representative for the Great Lakes Region

15.00 h Panel I on “Actors and root causes of the conflict in the Great Lakes region”

Chair: Klaus Liepert, Head of the Africa Department, Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung

Professor Kalulu Taba, Advisor to Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung, Kinshasa: perspective and reading of the Congolese civil society

Henri Boshoff, Institute for Security Studies: the military dimension of the conflict in the Great Lakes Region (covering the latest bilateral initiatives and multilateral backups

Kris Berwouts, Director, European Networks for Central Africa an independent civil society as a corner stone of a democratic society

15.45 h Open discussion with participants

16.30 h Coffee break

16.45 h Panel II on “The regional dimension of the conflict and the respective national perspectives from neighbouring countries”

Chair: Andrea Kolb, Desk Officer for West and Central Africa, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Professor Peter Molt, University of Trier: The difficulty of peace-building in the Great Lakes Region

Responses by the countries affected:

Frederick Sumaye, former prime Minister of the Republic of Tanzania

Henri Mova Sakanyi, Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Joseph Bonesha, Ambassador of the Republic of Rwanda

Stephen Katenta-Apuli, Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda

17.45 h Open discussion with particpants

18.30 h Summary of the first day and closing remarks

18.45 h End of the first day

Tuesday, 6 October

Second day of the Conference

09.00 h Short introduction and summary of the first day

09.15 h Panel III on “Ressources as a fuel for conflict in the Great Lakes Region”

Chair: Götz Heinicke, Resident Representative of the Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Tim Hughes, South African Institute for International Affairs: Effectiveness of and challenges for international certification processes

Arthur Kepel, International Crisis Group: Mine exploitation by military actors in the East of the DRC

Kathryn McPhail, AngloGold-Ashanti, Representative of the International Council on Mining and Metals: Industry perspective

10.00 h Open discussion with participants

10.45 h Coffee break

11.00 h Panel IV on “International Assistance and the questions: what is needed, what is exoected and what can we do within or own constraints?”

Chair:Andrea E.Ostheimer, Programme Director“Multinational Development Policy Dialogue”, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Kevin S. Kennedy, Director of Public Information, United Nations Organisation Mission in the DR Congo (MONUC): assessing MONUC’s performance within the current mandate and its cooperation with national and regional actors

Elisabeth Tison, Head of Unit “Relations with the countries and the region of Central Africa and the Great Lakes”, DG General Development and Relations with ACP states, European Commission: Bringing peace and stability through development: the challenges of development assistance in a conflict / post-conflict region

Gen. Jean-Paul Michel, Head of Mission, EUSEC RD Congo: Security sector reform in the DRC as a cornerstone for stabilisation in the region

12.00 h Open discussion with particpants

12.45 h Andrea Ostheimer, Project Director “Multinational Dialogue on Development Policy”, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung: Summary of the conference, conclusions und recommendations

13.00 h Michael Gahler MEP, designated Chair of the delegation for relations with the Pan-African-Parliament: Concluding remarks

13.15 h End of conference followed by joint lunch


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Ständige Vertretung des Landes Baden-Württemberg bei der EU


Andrea Ellen Ostheimer

Andrea Ostheimer

Leiterin des Multilateralen Dialogs Genf +41 79 318 9841
Great Lakes Conference KAS EBB
Great Lakes Conference KAS EBB
Great Lakes Conference KAS EBB




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