

European Union and Africa: Emerging priorities, opportunities and challenges


On 5 and 6 March the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the South African Institute for International Affairs (SAIIA) organise a conference examining the priorities, opportunities and challenges of the Joint EU-Africa Strategy, signed in Lisbon.



Preliminary Programme

05 March 2008

14h00-14h30 Welcome and introduction by KAS and SAIIA

Frank Spengler, Deputy Head of Department International Cooperation, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin

Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, Director of the South African Institute for International Affairs

14h30-16h00 Keynote address: European and African perspectives on Joint EU-Africa Strategy and accompanying Action Plan

N.N., DG Development, European Commission

H.E. Mahmat Saleh Annadif, Permanent Representative of the African Union to the EU

Comments by

Dr. Bonginkosi Buthelezi, Member of KZN Legislature, South Africa

Adv John Walters, Ombudsman of Namibia, Nambia

Followed by discussion

16h00-16h30Tea break

16h30-18h30Session One: Democratic governance and human rights


Geert Laporte, European Center for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)


Gideon Ogola Ochanda, Institute Secretary – Institute for Civic Affairs and Development- ICAD, Kenya

Jody Kollapen, Chair of the Human Rights Commission of South Africa (tbc)

Richard Weber, Deputy-Director-General, Europeaid (Aidco)

Maria Martens, MEP, Committee on Development (tbc)

Mavuto Bamusi, National Coordinator, Human Rights Consultative Committee, Malawi

Followed by discussion

End of first day

Thursday, 06 March 2008

09h00-10h30 Session Two: EU-Africa cooperation in Post-Conflict Reconstruction and development of the private sector


Prof Peter Molt, Professor for political science and development economics, University of Trier


Philippe Darmuzey, Head of Unit, Panafrican issues and institutions, governance and migration, DG Development, European Commission

Klaus-Jürgen Hedrich, Former Member of the German Bundestag, Parliamentary State Secretary

Dr Stephan Mair, Director of Studies, German Institute for International and Security Affairs

Yacouba Berthé, Deputy Secretary General, Centre Africa Obota (CAO), Mali

Followed by discussion

10h30- 11h00Tea Break

11h00-13h00Session Three: The energy security–climate change interface


Anders Wijkman, MEP, Committee on the environment, public health and food safety


Tim Hughes, Programme Head, Governance of Resources Programme, SAIIA, South Africa

Nick Mabey, Chief Executive & Founder, E3G, UK

Walter Kennes, Head of Sector, Sustainable management of natural resources, DG Development, European Commission (tbc)

Followed by discussion

13h00 Closing remarks

Frank Spengler, Deputy Head of Department International Cooperation, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin

Ms Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, Director of the South African Institute for International Affairs


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