


The Issue of Values in International Relations

A Lecture in India by Prof. Dr. Beate Neuss, Deputy Chairperson, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Proceedings of a KAS/FIGS - Round Table

The Rise of Asia and Emerging Challenges

Views from India, China and Germany

Edited by Dipankar Banerjee and Jabin T. Jaboc

SAARC - Towards Greater Connectivity

Edited by Dipankar Banerjee and N. Manoharan

Energy, Climate and Security: The Inter-linkages

Proceedings of the 2nd TERI-KAS Conference

Edited by Devika Sharma and Ligia Noronha

The Rule of Law and the Indian Legal System

An Introduction

A joint Curriculum Project of the KAS-JSDP Partner Network authored by Prof. (Dr.) N.R. Madhava Menon

Newsletter Indien 1/2008

Im Jahr 2008 feiert das Auslandsbüro der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Neu Delhi sein vierzigjähriges Bestehen. Grund genug Sie von jetzt an halbjährlich über unsere Arbeit in Indien und Südasien zu informieren. In der ersten Ausgabe unseres neuen Newsletters berichten wir über 40 Jahre entwicklungspolitischer Zusammenarbeit der KAS mit Indien. Außerdem geben wir Ihnen einen Einblick in die vielfältigen Aktivitäten der letzten Monate.

Togetherness in Diversity

A Hindu-Christian Dialogue in India

This booklet, based on a series of dialogues in different parts of the subcontinent, addresses itself to the relations between Hindus and Christians, a majority community and a small, but significant minority.

Global Security Challenges

Proceedings of the 2nd India-NATO Dialogue of KAS in Cooperation with IPCS and FIGS

Edited by Dipankar Banerjee

Current Issues of Globalization

German and Indian Perspectives

Proceedings of a Round Table that was jointly organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Federation of Indo-German Societies (FIGS)

On the Frontline of Climate Change

International Security Implications

Brahma Chellaney with Heela Najibullah