

2. Jahrestagung israelischer Europaforscher

Gemeinsame Konferenz der KAS Israel und des Studienzentrums für europäische Politik und Gesellschaft (CSEPS) an der Ben-Gurion-Universität des Negev



09:15 – 09:30 Greetings

  • Prof. David Newman, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  • State Secr. (ret.) Michael Mertes, Resident Representative, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Israel
  • Dr. Sharon Pardo, Director, Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
09:30 – 11:00 Panel 1

"Europe in Israel's Education System"

  • Keynote speaker: Dr. Rutie Frankel, Director, Education Department, Beer-Sheva Municipality: "Israeli Education - Identity and Power"
  • Hila Zahavi & Yoav Friedman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "Identity and Power in the European Union's Foreign Relations: the External Dimension of the Bologna Process"
  • Hannah Moscovitz, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "The Bologna Process and Israel: Presentation of the BTC"
  • Alma Vardari-Kesler, Project Manager, Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "CLICK Project in the Community"
11:15-12:45 Panel 2

"Practices of Exclusion and Policies of Integrations"

  • Shalom Zarbiv, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "The Blurred Line between Assimilation and Exclusion: A Process-Tracing Analysis of Integration Programs in Western Europe"
  • Michael Freedman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Changes in Attitudes towards Immigration: Evidence from the European Debt Crisis"
  • Orit Hirsch, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "‘If You Eat Dogs, You’ll Eat People’ - Otherizing on a Greek Island in Economic Crisis"
  • Benny Spanier, University of Haifa: "Mind the Gap: The Struggle of Older Persons in the European Court of Human Rights"
14:00-15:00 Panel 3

"Europe and Israel: Challenges & Cooperation I"

  • Keynote Speaker: Amb. Andrew Standley, EU Ambassador to the State of Israel: "Current Crisis in the EU"
  • Prof. Dr. Jörn Axel Kämmerer, Bucerius Law School, Hamburg: "The Fiscal Crisis and how it has Changed the EU: a Legal Perspective"
15:00-16:00 Panel 4

"Europe and Israel: Challenges & Cooperation II"

  • Shirley Gordon, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "EU Foreign Policy from an Economic Perspective: Israel-EU relations as a Case Study"
  • Jonathan Rokem, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "Community Engagement in Planning - Exploring the Way Forward in Europe"
  • Or Blan, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "Direct & Connected – On Social Media in the EU Public Diplomacy"
16:15-17:00 Panel 5

"Communities of Refugees: Jewish Body and Agency of Change"

  • Daniel Coussin, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: From Refugees to Residence: "The German Jewish Refugees as Agents of Change in the Scottish Jewish Community 1933-1950"
  • Benny Nuriely, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "Reshaping the Jewish Body from Europe"
Thursday, May 30 2013 Kreitman Building (26), Oren Hall

9:30-11:00 Panel 6

"Spain-Israel Relations"

  • Keynote Speaker: Dr. Eliezer Papo, Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "Jerusalem or Madrid: Where is the Mecca of the Sefaradic Studies?"
  • Aya Shoshan, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "In Search for Alternative Representation: Democracy and International Relations between Recent Social Movements in Spain and in Israel"
  • Hila Levi, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Israel - Spain Relations: The Gap between Government and Public Attitudes toward Israel - Operation Cast Lead (Winter 2008-2009) as a Case Study"
Panels 7 and 8 will be conducted in parallel sessions

11:15-12:30 Panel 7

"The Origins of Economic Liberalization and State Regulations in Europe"

  • Nir Yamin, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "State Aid Regulation in the European Union - a Competition Approach"
  • Naama Klar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "The Freemasonry and the Roots of Liberal International Trade: the Enlightenment and Transatlantic Interlock in the 18th century"
11:15 – 12:30 Panel 8

"Jewish People in Europe: between Thriving and Decline"

  • Gal Hadari, University of Haifa: "From New Anti-Semitism to Israphobia: What can be Learned from the European Experience?"
  • Dan Haruv, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: The Other in Russia
Panels 9 and 10 will be conducted in parallel sessions

14:00-15:30 Panel 9

"European Culture & Philosophy"

  • Sonia Mazar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Meaning of Death in Italian Opera of Ottocento and Novecento"
  • Tal Feder, University of Haifa: "European Cultural Policies in a Comparative View"
  • Alisa Nezhdanov, Bar Ilan University: "The English Reformation and the Development of “Theatrical Self”: Practice of Simulation and Construction of Self-Identity among Religious Non-Conformists, 1525-1688"
14:00-15:30 Panel 10

"Resistance and Diplomacy in Europe"

  • Noam Tirosh, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "Do We Remember them All? The Representation of the German Resistance to Nazism in Holocaust Museums in France, Israel and the United States"
  • Lior Alpertovitch, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Post-War Austria, Italy, and Spain in Israeli Foreign Policy"
Panels 11 and 12 will be conducted in parallel sessions

15:45-17:30 Panel 11

"EU's Legitimacy: Between Citizenship and Foreign Policy"

  • Dimitry Kortukov, Tel Aviv University: "Carl Schmitt's Europe: Legitimacy, Integration and Citizenship"
  • Or Tuttnauer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "Pattern of Parliamentary Opposition in Western Democracies"
15:45-17:30 Panel 12

"Taking Role in Conflict: EU's Political Culture, Activism and Justice"

  • Mori Ram, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev: "Standing on the Edge of the Union: Locating Europe in the Cyprus Conflict"
  • Neta Gruber, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "European Activists in the Palestinian Territories: An analysis of European Activists and their Linkage to European Normative Discourse"
  • Netta Moshe, Hebrew University of Jerusalem: "The Civic Culture Mosaic - The Reciprocal Relations between the Political Culture and the Democratic Regime in Kosovo"


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Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva


Junge israelische Europaforscher stellen ihre Arbeit vor: Beiträge zur Gestaltung der künftigen israelisch-europäischen Beziehungen
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Catherine Hirschwitz

Catherine Hirschwitz bild

Projektmanagerin (Frauenprojekte, Menschenrechtsdialog, Europa-Angelegenheiten) +972 2 567 1830 +972 2 567 1831




The Centre for the Study of European Politics and Society, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

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Auslandsbüro Israel