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Jordan and Germany in the Middle East

Dealing with Crises and Shaping the Future

The Middle East conflict is currently going through another wave of violent escalation. This comes against the background of new dynamics in the Middle East, including recent rapprochements among several regional actors. At the same time, unresolved conflicts, like the ones related to Palestine or Syria, continue to prevent lasting stability. In addition, the global geopolitical landscape is changing with potential repercussions on both the Middle East and Europe. Considering these developments, continued and frank dialogue between Jordan and Germany is of special importance. Both countries share a history of seventy years of cooperation and have been trusted political partners. How can Amman and Berlin work together to de-escalate regional conflicts and shape a more peaceful future? How can both countries best exploit the potential of cooperation in fields of mutual interests, such as energy or skilled labor? How do Jordan and Germany define their position in the emerging new regional and global order and how could that affect their bilateral relations?


Politische Partizipation in Jordanien aus religiöser Perspektive

Roundtable Diskussion

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Auslandsbüro Jordanien, organisiert in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Catholic Center for Studies and Media (CCSM) in Amman eine Diskussionsrunde zum Thema politische Partizipation in Jordanien aus religiöser Perspektive.


Jordan - Still an Anchor of Stability and a Partner to Shape the New Middle East?

Policy Roundtable

The Jordan Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in cooperation with the German Institute for Area Studies (GIGA) is organizing a policy roundtable at the KAS Headquarters in Berlin. Within the framework of this roundtable, KAS and GIGA will engage with the Jordanian and German foreign policy community in order to discuss the domestic and foreign policy of Jordan and German-Jordanian relations


Jordan: From Dreams to Reality | الأردن: بين الحلم والواقع

Arts Exhibition

Join us for the opening of the exhibition, discussion and book launch on Tuesday, 14th March 2023, at 5.00 pm or come and visit the exhibition that continues from 15th to 20th of March


The State of Political Participation and Representation in Jordan 2022

Launch Event


Impact of the War in Ukraine on the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen and the Prospects of Peace

Expert Roundtable


Christians and Christianity in the Middle East

Expert Discussion


Preventing Radicalization through education

The conference will have simultaneous translation Arabic-English.


Jordan in a Changing Regional and International Environment (4)

New Opportunities and How to Invest in Them

Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS)-Jordan Office and Al-Quds Center for Political Studies are organizing their fourth annual conference that focuses on Jordan in a changing environment. This event will feature academics, experts, political analysts and politicians from Jordan, the Arab World, Europe, Russia and the United States. This two-day conference will thoroughly examine new challenges that have affected Jordan in the region, but also the new opportunities that have arisen with new and potential regional and international cooperation and how Jordan can invest in them


Stand-Up Comedy Show

Satire and Stand-Up Comedy

Leave your problems at home and get your daily dose of comedy!


Jordanien als regionaler Vermittler?

Pragmatischer Akteur inmitten regionaler Umwälzungen

Jordanien befindet sich als Anker der Stabilität und als bedeutender Partner des Westens inmitten einer von Konflikten gezeichneten Region. Welchen Verlauf nehmen die Konflikte und welche Auswirkungen ergeben sich hieraus für die Zukunft der jordanischen Beziehungen zu seinen Nachbarstaaten? Welche Rolle kann Jordanien künftig in der Region einnehmen? Hierzu fand in Amman vom 04. bis zum 06. November 2017 eine regionale Konferenz in Kooperation mit dem Al-Quds Center for Political Studies statt.

Treffen mit HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal

KAS Sachsen in Amman

Im Rahmen einer Studienreise, geleitet von Dr. Klose, Landesbeauftragter für Sachsen der KAS, fand ein Treffen mit mehreren hochrangigen Politikern statt.

Eröffnung der Deutschen Woche: KAS präsentiert den „Wahl-o-Mat“


Eröffnung der Deutschen Woche im Jordan Museum

Opening of the German week: KAS presents the “Wahl-o-Mat”


Opening of the German Week at the Jordan Museum

Welcome reception of Dr. Annette Ranko


New Resident Representative hosts welcome reception

Dialogue program for politically engaged youth from Jordan in Berlin from the 9th to 15th of July 2017

Civil Society Program KAS Jordan

Studien- und Dialogprogramm für politisch engagierte Nachwuchskräfte aus Jordanien vom 09. bis 15. Juli 2017 in Berlin

"Political activism of young people is empowered in Germany, while it is restricted in Jordan. But the extent of young people’s political interest in Jordan seems to be much higher than in Germany.”Mit diesem Zitat beendete eine Gruppe politisch engagierter Nachwuchskräfte aus Jordanien das Studien- und Dialogprogramm vergangene Woche in Berlin.

Sicherheitsherausforderungen im Nahen Osten

Jordanische Militärs bei der KAS

Das „Royal Jordanian National Defense College“ (RJNDC) besuchte am 30. März 2017 die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung als Teil einer Studienreise in Deutschland im Rahmen ihres Offizierslehrganges in Kooperation mit dem Bundesministerium für Verteidigung.

T20 Task Force on Forced Migration (TFFM)

Im Vorfeld zum diesjährigen G20-Treffen in Hamburg fanden zwei Treffen der „Task Force on Forced Migration“ (TFFM) statt, um evidenzbasierte Handlungsempfehlungen für globale Lösungen in den Bereichen Finanzierung, Verteilung, Bildung und (Arbeitsmarkt-)Integration von Flüchtlingen zu entwickeln. Im Rahmen der TFFM fand dabei vom 14. bis 16. Februar 2017 eine Veranstaltung in Amman, Jordanien statt. Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung nahm daran mit Vertretern der Auslandbüros Jordanien und Syrien/ Irak teil.

Policy Mechanisms of Ministries Working with International Organizations

On 27 February 2017, the Ministry of Social Development and KAS Jordan Office held a pilot workshop entitled, “Policy Mechanisms of Ministries Working with Foreign Organizations” to communicate best practice examples of registration, residency and work permit procedures for employees, and foreign funding applications, with the benefit of less obstructive bureaucracy as a consequence. The session helped close the procedural knowledge gap.