


KAS Cambodia

Yet Another Great Game? Indo-Pacific Strategies and Southeast Asia

Diplomatic Briefing Issue 03/2021

In der neuesten Ausgabe des Diplomatic Briefings sehen wir uns den Indo-Pazifik an und wie internationale Akteure in wahrnehmen und versuchen ihn zu gestalten. Wir werfen einen Blick darauf, was die diversen Konzepte für ASEAN und Kambodscha im Speziellen bedeuten und ob der Indo-Pazifik wirklich bloß die neueste Arena für die Auseinandersetzung zweier Großmächte ist. Die Publikation ist auf Englisch erhältlich.

Mekong Connect: Volume 3, Issue 1

Post-Covid-19 Economic Recovery in the Mekong Region

Willkommen zur Juni-Ausgabe 2021 des Mekong Connect Magazins, einer gemeinsamen Publikationsinitiative des Asian Vision Institute (AVI) und des Kambodscha-Büros der Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS). Die Veröffentlichung des Magazins zielt darauf ab, einem breiteren Publikum Zugang zu den Schlüsselherausforderungen der Mekong-Anrainerstaaten zu ermöglichen, darunter öffentliche Gesundheit, Klimawandel, Handel und Wirtschaft, Ernährungssicherheit, Armut und Entwicklung, Digitalisierung, Frieden und Sicherheit sowie internationale Zusammenarbeit. Die Publikation ist ausschließlich auf Englisch verfügbar.

What Do Cambodians Think?

Insights and Attitudes towards Society and Politics in Cambodia

This survey aims to provide a greater understanding of social and political attitudes as well as opinions and perspectives in Cambodia. Its findings are clustered around the following topics: daily life, political participation, media consumption, civic engagement and international relations.

Cambodia 2040: International Relations and Governance

Cambodia has experienced drastic changes since the signing of the Paris Peace Accords in 1991. Twenty-five years later, Cambodia is a lower middle-income country with consistently high GDP growth rates and concomitant improvements in human security as measured by the Human Development Index (HDI). The question that Cambodia confronts today is a seemingly simple one, but which is in fact remarkably complex: Whither Cambodia? From energy to industrialization to agriculture, how are the diverse sectors of Cambodian society and the Cambodian economy likely to develop over the next two decades?

Cambodia 2040: International Relations and Governance

Cambodia has experienced drastic changes since the signing of the Paris Peace Accords in 1991. Twenty-five years later, Cambodia is a lower middle-income country with consistently high GDP growth rates and concomitant improvements in human security as measured by the Human Development Index (HDI). The question that Cambodia confronts today is a seemingly simple one, but which is in fact remarkably complex: Whither Cambodia? From energy to industrialization to agriculture, how are the diverse sectors of Cambodian society and the Cambodian economy likely to develop over the next two decades?

Reseearch Study on a Former Khmer Rouge Prison M-13

by Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum

The study of the history of the Khmer Rouge is a significant motive to prevent the future tragedy of violence and genocide from ever happening again. The examples of the regime’s violent acts are reflected through the experiences of forceful hard works, confiscation, torture, prisoning, and millions of innocent killings.

Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development in Southeast Asia

Challenges, Cooperation and Development Models

Against the backdrop of urgent needs at the national, regional and global levels for sustainable development based on clean and renewable sources of energy, this book volume is a collection of policy-oriented research papers published with the intention to raise awareness and stimulate policy interests in renewable energy and approaches to sustainable development.

Sustainability and Digital Innovation

Digital Insights Ausgabe 2021

Digital innovation, new technologies and sustainability are the paramount topics of our time. The last decades cautioned humanity about the downsides of growth and development due to planetary boundaries. More and more people started realizing that our genius cannot sustain if we do not think sustainable. This volume of Digital Insights addresses the potential synergies of a sustainable and digital transformation.

The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic: National and Regional Implications

Various Authors

Since early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the human lives of every conner across the world. Cambodia and the Southeast Asian region are no exception. This Foundation's particular publication is specifically looking into the impact of the pandemic in Cambodia and across the region in detail through the diplomatic, economic and social contexts.

KAS Cambodia

Toward a Sustainable and Digital Future of ASEAN?

Diplomatic Briefing Issue 02/2020

The Diplomatic Briefing is a biannual collection of categorized opinion pieces and short articles from an extended network of the scholarly community and regional experts, covering a wide range of issues from international relations, to sub-regional affairs, to foreign policy, to economic and trade, and beyond. Subscribe to Diplomatic Briefing for regular information about the publication.