


Regierungsübergabe in Malaysia: Goodbye Mr. Badawi, Welcome Mr. Najib

Der König hat am 03. April 2009 den 6. Premierminister Malaysias, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, in seinem Amt vereidigt. Den neuen Amtsinhaber erwarten gewaltige Herausforderungen. In der allgemeinen Diskussion über seine Fähigkeiten, diese zu meistern, ist die Nation gespalten.

Leviatan Islam: Islam dan Pembentukan Kuasa Negara

Islamic Leviathan: Islam and the Making of State Power

This is a Malaysia language translation of Seyyed Vali Reza Nasr's "Islamic Leviathan: Islam and the Making of State Power."

Suara Orang Buangan: Renungan-Renungan Tentang Islam

Voice of an Exile: Reflections on Islam

This is a Malaysian language translation of the book.

Children Getting It Right With Human Rights: A Training Manual on the Rights of the Child

A training manual that covers 17 basic rights of a child, based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the United Nations. It shows how a trainer, through the use of games and activities, is able to convey the messages of these 17 basic rights.

Ibnu Rushd dan Mazhabnya

This is a Malaysian language translation of Ernest Renan's work "Averroes et l'Averroisme"

Tiada Paksaan Dalam Agama

No Compulsion in Religion

This is a Malaysia language translation of the work by Taha Jabir Al-Alwani "La Ikraha fi al-Din." The book discusses the thorny issues related to apostasy and heresy in the Muslim context.

Ibn 'Arabi: Riwayat Hidup dan Perjalanan Seorang Sufi Agung

Ibn 'Arabi: Voyage of No Return

A Malaysian language translation of the biography of Ibn 'Arabi written by Claude Addas.

Kisah Pembuat Lilin Melawan Matahari dan Lain-Lain Jenaka Ekonomi-Politik

Petition of the Candlemakers and Other Economic-Political Satires

A Malaysian language translation of the following satires:

Die Rückkehr des Anwar Ibrahim in die politische Arena Malaysias

Die souverän gewonnene Nachwahl vom 26. August 2008 im Wahlkreis Permantang Pauh sichert dem de facto Führer der PKR (Party Keadilan Rakyat), Anwar Ibrahim, den Wiedereinzug in das nationale Parlament zum 28. August 2008. Eine Rückkehr nach zehn Jahren politischer Abstinenz, die so nicht voraussehbar war.

Pesan-Pesan Terbesar Al-Quran

Major Themes of the Quran

A Malaysian language translation of the famous work by Fazlur Rahman.