

The Tenth NPT Review Conference: Assessment and Looking Forward to 2026

The Multilateral Dialogue KAS, together with Atomic Reporters, invites you to an online discussion on "The Tenth NPT Review Conference: Assessment and Looking Forward to 2026"



Watch the recording here.

The Multilateral Dialogue of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Vienna, together with Atomic Reporters, invites you to an online discussion on The Tenth Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Review Conference: Assessment and Looking Forward to 2026.

Despite the best efforts of the Conference President, Ambassador Gustavo Zlauvinen*, the Tenth NPT Review Conference, held from 1 to 26 August 2022, ended without being able to adopt an agreed “Final Document” on the evening of 26th August at United Nations Headquarters in New York. There is bitter disappointment that the failure of this review conference follows the previous review conference held in 2015 that also failed to agree on an outcome. Contentious issues in New York included the ongoing situation in Ukraine following the Russian invasion and resulting safety and security concerns at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant in the midst of armed conflict including at the site; the lack of further progress on nuclear disarmament; focus on nuclear risk reduction rather than on dismantlement of nuclear weapons; delays in setting up a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East; exemption from IAEA verification of naval nuclear propulsion reactors and fuel; and constraining North Korea’s nuclear activities, among other issues.

Four senior Ambassadors who were at the review conference will discuss issues relating to: (a) the conduct of the Tenth NPT Review Conference and their efforts to build consensus on a final outcome document; and (b) initiatives and actions that could be considered for strengthening the implementation of the Treaty (including of previous commitments) during the next review cycle leading up to the Eleventh NPT Review Conference scheduled for 2026.


Speaker & Moderator

Alexander Kmentt: Ambassador, Director of Disarmament, Arms Control and Non-Proliferation, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Austria; Head of Delegation Tenth NPT Review Conference; President of the First Meeting of the States Parties to the TPNW and HINW2022 Conference.

Dominika Krois: Ambassador, Resident Representative of Poland and Governor for Poland to the IAEA; Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors 2021-2022; Head of Delegation Tenth NPT Review Conference; Chair of Main Committee II inter alia on non-proliferation, IAEA safeguards, nuclear security, export controls, nuclear-weapon-free zones. 

Ingeborg Denissen: Ambassador ,Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Hague; Netherlands Delegation to the Tenth NPT Review Conference; Chair of Main Committee III inter alia on peaceful uses of nuclear energy, nuclear safety, NPT review process. 

Jarmo Viinanen: Ambassador for Arms Control, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland. Head of Delegation Tenth NPT Review Conference; Facilitator of informal consultations on facilitating convergence of views on elements of a final document at the Tenth NPT Review Conference.


Tariq Rauf is on the Board of Directors of Atomic Reporters; former Head of Verification & Security Policy Coordination, and former Alternate Head of the NPT Delegation, IAEA; he attended the Tenth NPT Review Conference (2022) – his seventh – as an official delegate. 


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Benedikt Zanzinger

Portrait Benedikt Zanzinger

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