


The Next Digital Decade: Case Studies from Asia

Volume I - Traces and Divide

The Next Digital Decade: Case Studies from Asia contains two volumes of case studies, written by a mixture of established and early career scholars from the region, focusing on topics such as digital public infrastructure, future of work, AI ethics, social media, cybersecurity, surveillance, e-commerce and much more.

European Strategic Approaches to the Indo-Pacific

Panorama Insights into Asian and European Affairs

Der Indo-Pazifik hat in den vergangenen Jahren spürbar an Relevanz gewonnen. Seit September 2021 haben drei EU Mitgliedstaaten Frankreich, Deutschland und die Niederlande, sowie die Europäische Union selbst, Strategien beziehungsweise Leitlinien zum Indo-Pazifik vorgelegt. Diese Ausgabe von Panorama: Insights into Asian and European Affairs beleuchtet diese Ansätze, sowie Reaktionen auf das Engagement aus der Region. Sie analysiert Fragen von kritischen regionalen Partnerschaften, dem gewünschten und wahrgenommenen Mehrwert europäischer Aufmerksamkeit, sowie Kooperationsmöglichkeiten in konkreten Arbeitsbereichen vor dem Hintergrund von anhaltender Rivalität von Großmächten.

Accelerating Progress and Equity in Education

Konrad Adenauer Sharing Political and Civic Engagements Spaces(KASpaces)

The goal 4 of Ensuring inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning of Agenda 2030 is not only a key for the achievements of many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but also the bedrock of any society. In order to reduce inequalities and reach gender equality and to also have sustainable communities, it is imperative that education is made available to all and that no one is left behind.

unsplash / Shiwa-id / yellow too

Bei der digitalen Umgestaltung ist Vertrauen die wichtigste Währung

Ein Vergleich mit Asien lohnt sich

Voraussetzung für Innovation ist Vertrauen in den Staat und seine digital kompetente Verwaltung. Der Blick nach Asien zeigt: Wenn Bürger beim digitalen Wandel an die Hand genommen werden, ihnen ausgereifte Verwaltungs- und Dienstleistungsplattformen zur Verfügung stehen, ist der Grundstein für den „smarten“ Staat gelegt. Eine entscheidende Rolle spielen die Einbindung von Zivilgesellschaft und Wirtschaft und die Nutzung von Open Data.

iStock by Getty images / hakule

Datensicherheit, Datenschutz und Innovation in Asien

Erkenntnisse aus einer repräsentativen Umfrage in Japan, Singapur und Taiwan (nur auf Englisch verfügbar)

Daten sind der Rohstoff des digitalen Wandels. Mit dieser ersten vergleichenden Studie zu Datenkultur wollen wir den Blick auf asiatische „Datennationen“ richten und dem keineswegs eindeutigen Zusammenhang zwischen der Nutzung digitaler Daten und der Innovationsfähigkeit von Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftssystemen nachgehen.

Tomohiro Ohsumi, Reuters

Es ist nicht alles Gold, was glänzt

Die Einflussnahme der Kommunistischen Partei Chinas ­auf die politische Elite in Südostasien

Die Kommunistische Partei Chinas versteht es, Wirtschaft und Politik miteinander zu verweben. In Südostasien trifft Peking auf einen fruchtbaren Nährboden. Die Gründe dafür sind vielfältig. Aber die Verbindungen sind mit konkreten Konsequenzen für Deutschland und die EU verbunden.

ADLA Video Series 2020: Why Democracy Matters?

Interview with Ms. Sajina Karki of Nepal

“The beauty of democracy is that the opposition in the parliament is able to check the government.” Read below the interesting insights from Ms. Sajina Karki as she answers the question on “Why Democracy Matters?”. Ms. Karki is a fellow of KASYP Batch 06 and she is the alumni representative of Nepal. She is currently a member of the Rastriya Prajatantra Party of Nepal. #ADLA4Democracy

ADLA Video Series 2020: Why Democracy Matters?

Interview with Mr. Tun Myint Kyaw (Minn Latt) of Myanmar

“Democracy is flexible, democracy is adaptable, and democracy is resilient if we work together, negotiate our conflicts and make a compromise. By that means, we can survive and sustain democracy not only as a practice but also as a society as a whole.” This is what Mr. Minn Latt has shared in his interview on the question “Why Democracy Matters”. Mr. Minn Latt is a fellow of KASYP batch 01 and currently the alumni representative of Myanmar. He is a member of the Central Committee of the Mon Unity Party of Myanmar. Find his interview below as he answers the questions: “Why do you think democratic values and principles are important for your country?”, “In your context, what do you think are the main challenges to democracy?”, and lastly, “As a young leader, what can you do to ensure that you become and remain a democratic leader?”. #ADLA4Democracy

ADLA Video Series 2020: Why Democracy Matters?

Interview with Ms. Jargalan Batbayar of Mongolia

“Being a democratic leader means being an inclusive leader, and it is important to keep sight of the democratic process when we face difficult decisions. This is a lifelong commitment for us, and it’s always a work in progress. Also, political leadership is always about public service, and we must never forget that we work to serve our people.” Find the interview with Ms. Jargalan Batbayar of Mongolia below where she shares her answers to the questions “Why democratic values and principles are important for her country?”, “What are the main challenges to democracy?”, and “What can she do to ensure that she becomes or remains a democratic leader?”. Ms. Batbayar is the alumni representative for KASYP Mongolia National Chapter. She also belongs to KASYP Batch 09 #ADLA4Democracy

ADLA Video Series 2020: Why Democracy Matters?

Interview with Ms. Rizky Putri Amalia of Indonesia

“Because of democracy, Indonesia became more stable in terms of its economy as well as equally in development. People in Indonesia became more educated and more open-minded.” This was the answer of Ms. Rizky Putri Amalia when asked about the importance of democracy for her country. Ms. Amalia is a Fellow of the Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) batch 06 and the alumni representative for KASYP Cambodia National Alumni Chapter. In this interview, Ms. Amalia shares her insights on “Why democratic values and principles are important for her country?”, “What are the main challenges to democracy?”, and “What can she do to ensure that she becomes or remains a democratic leader?”. #ADLA4Democracy