




Demokratie und Parteienverständnis

Bildungsprogramm für Nachwuchspolitiker in Nepal

In einem nationalen Pilotprojekt der Association of Political Science Students (APSS) debattieren nepalesische Nachwuchspolitiker aller Parteien über die Grundlagen innerparteilicher Demokratie und politischer Führung.


Public Launch "EU-Asia Dialogue"

Am 16. Februar 2012 wurde im Orchard Hotel in Singapur das von der EU geförderte Projekt „EU-Asia Dialogue – Shaping a Common Future for Europe and Asia“ im Rahmen eines Public Launchs vorgestellt.


Regionale Herausforderungen

Wasser- und Katastrophenmanagement

Die vorerst letzte Konferenz der Reihe "Nepals Nationale Interessen" widmet sich den drängendsten Umwelt- und Energiefragen Nepals sowie der gesamten Region Südasien.


Nepals Nationale Interessen VII

Herausforderung Beschäftigung

Am 16. Dezember 2011 findet die siebte vom Regionalprojekt SAARC und dem Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) veranstaltete Konferenz "Nepals Nationale Interessen" statt. Thema der Konferenz sind die Herausforderungen ausländischer Beschäftigung.


Südasien-Initiative für Vernetzung und regionale Zusammenarbeit

Am 01. und 02. Dezember 2011 findet der vom Regionalprojekt SAARC zusammen mit Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) und der University of Dhaka (UoD) organisierte Planungsworkshop der Südasien-Initiative für Vernetzung und regionale Zusammenarbeit statt.


Planungsworkshop für Jugendstudien in Südasien

Am 11. und 12. November 2011 findet ein vom Regionalprojekt SAARC, dem Institute of Governance Studies (IGS) und dem Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) gemeinsam veranstalteter Planungsworkshop für Jugendstudien in Südasien statt.


Vorstellung der Politikempfehlungen zu Energie- und Umweltsicherheit in Südasien

Ein gemeinsamer Ansatz

Am 11. November 2011 werden in Kandy, Sri Lanka, die Politikempfehlungen des Consortium of South Asian Think Tanks (COSATT) zu "Energy and Environmental Security in South Asia: A Cooperative Approach" feierlich vorgestellt.


Politisches Südasienforum

Mehr regionale Integration in Südasien

Von 6. bis 8. November 2011 findet in Kathmandu die vom Regionalprojekt SAARC der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) und dem Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS) in Nepal gemeinsam ausgerichtete Konferenz "Towards A More Cooperative South Asia" statt.


East Asia - Europe Think Tank Dialogue

Dieser 'Political Dialogue' befasst sich mit der sozialen Transformation sowohl in Asien als auch in mittel-Europa, und mit der Rolle diverser Think-Tanks in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Europan und Asien.


COSATT 2011: Energiesicherheit und Umweltschutz III

Ein gemeinsamer Ansatz für Südasien

Experten führender Think-Tanks aus Südasien diskutieren den Stand der Energiesicherheit und des Umweltschutz in der SAARC-Region und geben Politikempfehlungen für ein Südasien-weite Strategie zur Weiterentwicklung gemeinsamer Ansätze.


EU-ASEAN Relations in light of the upcoming EU Election

Exchange with Minister-Counsellor for parliamentary relations at the EU Delegation to ASEAN, Mr. Antoine Ripoll

KAS Political Dialogue Asia (KAS PDA) was pleased to host Antoine Ripoll, Minister-Counsellor for Parliamentary Relations with ASEAN from the EU Delegation to ASEAN, at our office on April 25 for a Luncheon Debate on “EU-ASEAN Relations in Light of the upcoming EU Elections”.

EANGAGE Alumni Talk featuring H.E. Sujiro Seam

Strategic Partners and Now? The Way Forward for EU-ASEAN Relations

Last week, KAS Political Dialogue Asia hosted an e-seminar with H.E. Sujiro Seam, the EU Ambassador to ASEAN, and alumni of EANGAGE, an EU funded project set up in 2021 with the aim to connect young talented researcher fellows from the EU and ASEAN.

EU Election: Youth Participation and Eligibility

with the German European School Singapore and the American University of Phnom Penh

On 27 March the Konrad Adenauer Foundation’s Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia (KAS PDA) organised an event in cooperation with the German European School Singapore (GESS) to address the School’s students on the EU elections this upcoming June.

Roundtable Discussion on AI Policies in Asia

with the expert delegation from the Federal Academy of Security Policy (BAKS)

On 4 March, KAS Political Dialogue Asia Program hosted a roundtable discussion “AI Policy in Asia” for the delegation from the Federal Academy of Security Policy (BAKS) from Germany. The delegation, which consists of participants from private and public sectors in Germany, had a two-weeks fieldtrip in Asia (Singapore and Seoul) as part of the expert course on digitalization and security policy.

Luncheon Discussion - German Armed Forces After “die Zeitenwende” – Challenges & Perspectives

Major General Wolf-Jürgen Stahl shared his insights on the German National Security Strategies and the latest development of global military challenges.

On March 4th 2024 the KAS Political Dialogue Asia (PDA) Program hosted Major-General Wolf-Jürgen Stahl, President of the Federal Academy for Security Policy (BAKS), for a discussion over lunch.

Konrad Adenauer School for Young Politicians (KASYP) - Batch 15

Module 01: Political Parties’ Functions and Organizations in Democratic Societies

This year, another cohort of KASYP will be launched this coming 13 – 19 February 2024 in the Philippines. The cohort will undergo with their first module on “political parties’ functions and organizations in democratic societies”, which aims to provide participants with background knowledge on diverse political environments and party systems in Asia as well as communication skills and leadership training.

Continued Partnership between KAS PDA and ISEAS

Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the two parties to collaborate on a range of research activities such as on Myanmar, the Philippines, and ASEAN, among others.

KAS PDA and ISEAS have been successfully collaborating in the past. It dates back to 1979 when the German organisation began supporting ISEAS' research activities with annual grants. The signing of the MoU and the continuation of common projects stands testimony to the fruitful partnership.

International Conference on Water Management in Singapore

Sustainable Water Management: Improving Water Policy and Govenance in Emerging Asia

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Programme Political Dialogue Asia co-hosted an international conference together with the Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change (KAS Recap) Hongkong on “Sustainable Water Management: Improving Water Policy and Governance in Emerging Asia” in Singapore between the 6th and 9th of December. As the impacts of poor water governance can be felt across livelihoods,  jeopardising community well being,  social cohesion, migration, national security, the topic of the conference could not have been more timely – also since COP28 concurrently recognised the role of water for the climate change agenda.

Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus Meeting 2023

“Inclusivity & Diversity in Gender Equality in Parliaments in Asia”

Zur Erreichung des fünften Ziels der nachhaltigen Entwicklung, die Gleichstellung der Geschlechter, fand das diesjährige Treffen des „Asian Women Parliamentarian Caucus“ (AWPC) in Colombo in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Parlament von Sri Lanka statt.

CTeC Asia 2023

Communication | Technology | Citizenship

CTeC Asia has brought together scholars, media professionals, civil society practitioners as well as policymakers to participate in the discussion on the impact of technologies towards communication and citizen’s participation with a series of keynote speeches and panel discussions. The event was hosted in Taipei and has attracted more than 100 participants from around 16 countries. Diverse topics related to social media, e-governance, political campaigning have been discussed during the conference.