

The Rights of Suspects/Accused and their Defence in Criminal Proceedings in South East Europe

A Conference Report by Professor Hajrija Sijercic-Colic, Ph.D., University of Sarajevo, Law Faculty

One of the results of the German EU Council Presidency in the justice field is the consolidation of civil rights through a debate on principles about the unification, Europe wide, of minimum standards in criminal proceedings.


The Rule of Law Program South East Europe of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation supported this initiative through a regional project, consisting of a comparative law study, a regional conference in Bucharest (Romania) and a roundtable discussion in Sofia (Bulgaria). The following report of Professor Hajrija Sijercic-Colic from University of Sarajevo Law School provides a thorough description of the regional project, as well as a summary of the expert conference which took place in Bucharest, Romania, 13 - 15 May 2007.




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