

Economic Diversification in the Gulf States

von Dr. Mohammad Yaghi

Challenges and Opportunities

The Regional Program Gulf States at Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, together with the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies (ACRPS) and Doha Institute for Graduate Studies held a two-day workshop on May 25th & 26th entitled “Economic Diversification in the Gulf States: Challenges and Opportunities.” The workshop, which brought virtually together scholars from Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Germany discussed fiscal policies in Oman and Kuwait, the role of the private sector and MSE as economic vehicles toward economic diversification, the level of women participation in the private sector in Kuwait, Germany’s FDI and private companies in the Gulf States, and the opportunities for closer European-Gulf cooperation in terms of economic transformation. In their opening remarks, Mr. Fabian Blumberg, regional representative to the Gulf States, Dr. Haider Saeed, director of the research department at ACRPC, and Dr. Hamid Ali, dean of the School of Public Administration and Development Economics welcomed the distinguished speakers and underlined the importance of the theme of the workshop for the Gulf States. The workshop was well attended and diffused live on the social media of the ACRPC.


The concept note and the program of the workshop are attached at the right side.

For summary of the speakers’ inputs, see the ACRPC link:




Philipp Dienstbier

Philipp Dienstbier

Leiter des Regionalprogramms Golf-Staaten +962 6 59 24 150

Dr. Mohammad Yaghi

Mohammad Yaghi, PhD bild

Programm-Manager | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter +962 6 59 24 150


