

Motherly Crisis Management

von Verena Kasirye

Revisiting Angela Merkel's Leadership during the Coronavirus Pandemic

Celebrating 15 years in office this November, Angela Merkel is the European Union’s longest serving leader and the world’s longest serving female head of government. Recently, Merkel not only made headlines with her tenure jubilee but even more so with her style of leadership during the coronavirus crisis. Heralded as Germany’s “silver bullet“ of crisis management,1 the 66 year old has been leading by example and many leaders look to her for guidance and inspiration. Particularly for women, it is a promising quest to explore what Angela Merkel has to offer that makes her leadership during the pandemic so remarkable and exemplary.



Verena Kasirye

Verena Kasirye

Programmbeauftragte +256 312 262 011/2



Über diese Reihe

ARISE magazine features varying issues around women and development in Uganda. Whether women wearing uniform, working as farmers, or holding political offices: We review the trends and challenges women face in Uganda. The magazine has been published in cooperation with Action for Development since 1990.
