

Assessing the Relationship between Gender-based Violence and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda

Whereas there is an abundance of literature linking gender based violence (GBV) in the aftermaths of natural related disasters, the linkage with health related emergency pandemic is scanty. However, some studies have analyzed GBV and Ebola and Zika virus epidemic in Liberia in 2014-16 1 and Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 2018, GBV and HIV 2,3 and gender/GBV and Covid-19. With the prevailing coronavirus (covid-19) global pandemic, which has driven countries to declare lockdowns, cases of GBVhave also spiraled. The increasing cases of GBV amidst the coronavirus pandemic highlight the importance of the relationship between GBV and health related emergingepidemics or pandemic situations. Particular questions GBV and Covid-19 such as: Have cases of GBV or threats of violenceincreased since Covid-19 Lockdown in Uganda? Why and how do GBV occur in health related emergency situations? What are the implications for policy and research? These and other questions are worthy reflecting on and responding to.



Donnas Ojok

Donnas Ojok bild

Programmbeauftragter +256 312 262 011/2


